Chapter 26 🐺✨

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~The next morning ~

Zakariya is crying uncontrollably and Yazmin is crying with him trying to settle him down.

Yazmin: Come on baby I've fed you, changed you and sang songs what's going on my love?

The door bell rings

Yazmin: Not a good time Elijah

Elijah: Here let me try.

Elijah takes the baby off Yazmin gently rocking him to sleep and he goes off just like that.

Yazmin; How?

Elijah: Uncle Lijah's magic touch.

Yazmin: I'm a terrible mother.

Elijah: What no you're not, you're overthinking it Yaz, you're tired and overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and get some rest I'll take over for a while.

Yazmin: I can't let you do that.

Elijah: Let me do it Yaz!

Yazmin: Thank you Elijah.

Elijah: Go rest mama.

Yazmin: Shut up!

Elijah laughs and Yazmin throws a blanket at him. Yazmin lays down and immediately falls asleep, Elijah on the other hand is taking care of cleaning the house and cooking dinner. After a couple of hours Yazmin wakes up.

Yazmin: Hmm what's this I smell?

Elijah: Thai noodles.

Yazmin: You can make Thai noodles?

Elijah: Yes.

Yazmin: Give me!

Yazmin takes a bite.

Yazmin: Mmm this is so good!

Elijah: I've been living for many years sweetheart I can make anything you desire.

Yazmin: I bet you can! Oh Was Zack okay? He wasn't too much trouble was he?

Elijah: He been such a good little man.

Yazmin: That's my boy.

Elijah: I was speaking to Rebekah earlier and she'd love to meet Zakariya.

Yazmin: I could come round tomorrow with him.

Elijah: Perfect.

Yazmin: I can hear cries.

Elijah: I can go.

Yazmin: No no! I'll go, my boy needs his mama.

Elijah: I will clean up and leave you both to it.

Yazmin: You're the best Elijah.

Elijah: I know.

Yazmin hugs Elijah and heads upstairs to to Zakariya.

Yazmin: Hey mama.

Yazmin picks Zakariya up and rocks him, she then starts to sing him as she changes him.

Yazmin: 'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colours fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make.

Singing that song to Zakariya reminded Yazmin of the first time she met Klaus and Hope. She sang that song to Hope to settle her down to show Klaus she was good enough to be Hopes nanny. She began to cry reminiscing on the good times she has with Hope and Klaus.

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