Chapter 15 🐺✨

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Back to work! Yazmin heads inside and is welcomed my Hope in her baby walker heading her way screaming mama.

Yazmin: Hey sweetie.

Just as she picks Hope up a blonde blue eyed female with just a shirt, Klaus' shirt walks down the stairs.

Camille: Oh you're the baby sitter.

Yazmin: Hi I'm Yasmin.

Camille: Okay.

She walks off.

Yazmin: Well she's nice isn't she?

Hope babbles. Klaus walks down and makes eye contact with Yazmin, he then walks over to Camille and kisses her from behind.

Klaus: Yazmin this is Camille my girlfriend, Cami this is Yazmin my babysitter.

Camille: Yeah we met.

Yazmin: I'm going to make Hope some breakfast, she has to get her booster vaccine today her appointment is at 2PM.

Camille: We have that set exhibit to go to.

Klaus: Do you think you can take her? I'll ask Elijah to go with you both.

Yazmin: Yeah sure.

Klaus: Perfect.

Camille: Get ready babe.

Yazmin gets Hope ready and Elijah arrives at the door.

Elijah: Are you ready?

Yazmin: Yes sir!

Once they head to the hospital the doctor soon calls for Hope.

Doctor: Good afternoon I am doctor Meredith Grey. How is little Hope doing today?

Yazmin: She's doing okay thank you.

Doctor: And how are mummy and daddy feeling?

Elijah: We are pretty nervous.

Yazmin: We are nervous yes however we aren't her parents. He's her uncle I'm her-

Elijah: Aunt.

Doctor: My apologies. Let's get Miss Hope ready.

After getting her booster vaccine Hope cries and cries and doesn't stop until Yazmin soon got her to fall asleep in her arms. Elijah takes them to a quiet restaurant to get something to eat.

Elijah: I heard about what happened in Mystic Falls I'm ever so sorry.

Yazmin: It's fine. It's over now and if you don't mind I'd rather not talk about it.

Elijah: Apologies.

Yazmin: So Klaus' girlfriend.

Elijah: I do not like her.

Yazmin: Woah okay.

Elijah: She's not good for him after Hayley-

Elijah suddenly stops speaking and looks down.

Yazmin: Hope's mother?

Elijah: Yes. After Hayley's death he was torn apart now all of a sudden he's been going out and not taking care of Hope.

Yazmin: I means it's been 3 days what has he been doing?

Elijah: On Saturday he was out all night with that Camille and came home at 2AM drunk and then Sunday he was out all day and didn't see Hope until the morning a few hours before you came. She's driving him away from his own daughter.

Yazmin: Oh.

Elijah: My brother needs to stop dating her and focus on his daughter.

Yazmin: You're right but it is okay for him to be with someone right?

Elijah: She's not the one.

Hope: Lijah.

Elijah: What?

Yazmin: Did She just?

Hope: Lijah! Lijah!

Yazmin: She's saying Lijah oh my goodness.

Elijah: Aw darling.

Yazmin: That's so adorable.

Elijah: Shall we take her back home?

Yasmin: Yeah.

Once they arrive they notice Klaus still isn't home.

Yazmin: I spoke with Klaus last week and he agreed to take me to my appointment if Rebekah took care of Hope and he's not even here! He most likely didn't even ask Rebekah.

Elijah: Why don't I call her and take you myself.

Yazmin: I can't ask you to do that.

Elijah: You're not asking I'm offering.

Yazmin: Are you sure?

Elijah: Of course.

Rebekah arrives to look after Hope and Elijah takes Yazmin for her appointment.

Elijah: What's this appointment for may I ask?

Yazmin: Just a regular check up.

Doctor: Mrs Lekesiz?

Yazmin: Actually it's Miss Nessa, I'm no longer Mrs Aslan.

Doctor: apologies I'll change that for you, would your boyfriend like to come in too?

Yazmin: He can wait outside thanks.

Doctor: Alright then please come this way.

Elijah waited for Yazmin and started to look around the clinic, he noticed there are many photos of mothers and babies. He realised they are in a pregnancy clinic, he wondered if she's pregnant or what might be going on but he sure as well won't ask her that would be invading her privacy.

Yazmin: Elijah?

Elijah: Huh?

Yazmin: Are you ready to leave?

Elijah: Of course.

Yazmin holds onto his arm as he holds it out for her like the gentleman he is. Once they arrived to the house Klaus still had not arrived back and Rebekah was in a rush to leave.

Elijah: Looks like it's just the three of us then.

Yazmin: Two.

Elijah looks over to see Hope who has fallen asleep in her high chair.

Yazmin: I'll take her up to her bed.

Yazmin comes back down after putting Hope to bed and sees Elijah has made dinner for the two of them.

Elijah: It's not much but I thought you'd be hungry.

Yazmin: Why thank you.

Elijah: Yazmin I know it is not my place to ask however I couldn't help notice we were in a pregnancy clinic today.

Yazmin: Oh well I'm not pregnant that's for sure.

Yazmin laughs awkwardly.

⚠️Mentions of abuse, abduction and miscarriage⚠️

Yazmin: Okay so when I was taken by Ferhat, I had gotten pregnant and I had a baby boy his name is well I guess was efe.

Elijah: What happened?

Yazmin: He was taken away from me.

Elijah: By who?

Yazmin: I don't know but then I got pregnant again which made Ferhat mad as if it were my fault and he kicked me until I choked on my own blood.

Elijah: Yazmin I-

Yazmin begins to cry and Elijah pulls Yazmin to his chest and holds her.

Elijah: I am so sorry this happened.

Klaus: What's going on here?

Yazmin pushes herself away from Elijah wiping her tears.

Yazmin: Nothing I have to go now Hope is asleep she went down almost 40 minutes ago.

Elijah: Yazmin!

Yazmin: Goodnight boys.

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