Chapter 12 🐺✨

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Yazmin was fast asleep and Klaus was slightly on top of her holding her hand also asleep.

The nurse walks in with breakfast and Yazmin immediately wakes up.

Yazmin: Good morning.

Nurse: Morning Miss Nessa.

Yazmin looks over to see Klaus laying on her arm holding her hand, he tightens his grip and Yazmin coughs to wake him up.

Klaus: Oh good morning love.

Yazmin: Morning.

Klaus: last night the doctor said you'll be free to leave tomorrow.

Yazmin: Oh thank God! This hospital food is terrible no offense.

Nurse: Non taken darling.

Klaus: I have to go, Rebekah has called.

Yazmin: Is Hope okay?

Klaus: Yes yes she's fine. Rebekah just needs me for something I'll be back soon.

Yazmin: Okay.

Klaus: I will send Elijah to keep you company.

Yazmin: Can you call Bonnie instead? I really wanna see her.

Klaus: Of course love.

Klaus kisses her on the forehead and it sends butterflies to Yazmin's stomach.

Bonnie: No need I'm already here.

Yazmin: Bon Bon!

Bonnie rushes over to Yazmin and hugs her.

Yazmin: Ouch! I'm a little sore.

Bonnie: Sorry.

Klaus: I'll leave you both.

Klaus leaves.

Yazmin: Boy do we need to catch up.

Bonnie: You're telling me.

Yazmin: What?

Bonnie: You and Klaus?

Yazmin: What about us?

Bonnie: You're both together?

Yazmin: What no! I take care of his kid!

Bonnie: But you like him.

Yazmin: He's my boss and I guess my friend he's nice.

Bonnie: You sure don't know hun the way u know him.

Yazmin: Explain.

Bonnie tells Yazmin everything which shocks her since she knows Klaus as a nice sweet guy who just needs a bit of love and affection. Mean whole Klaus headed home to New Orleans to see Rebekah and Hope.

Klaus: Rebekah?


Klaus: Hello love.

Klaus picks up Hope from her baby walker.

Hope: Mama?

Klaus: Mama is coming home soon my love I promise.

His kisses her on the cheek.

Rebekah: Ah you're here, how is the girl?

Klaus: She's doing okay I just need to sort the house out for her for when she arrives.

Rebekah: She's staying with you?

Klaus: Yes I'll help her and take care of her.

Rebekah: She's just your babysitter why do you need to rise care of her?

Klaus: She's more than that she's a friend.

Rebekah: More than a friend.

Klaus: Nonsense I don't know what you mean.

Rebekah: Sure.

Klaus sets up the house by bringing in more grocery, cleaning up the guest room and even putting up a welcome banner for Yazmin to make her feel at home, he sent Rebekah to get Yazmin's necessities from Avani and made sure she has enough things for a long stay.

Rebekah: I'm sure she'll love you for this Klaus.

Klaus: I- I- I have to go.

Rebekah: Yes you go to your lover. Say by dada.

Hope: Bye dada.

Klaus doesn't say a word and leaves. He sits in his car outside the hospital for some time thinking about what he feels for Yazmin. What does he feel?
Bonnie had left and Yazmin fell asleep, when Klaus entered he stopped and started at her eyeing her beauty.

Nurse: Are you staying with your girlfriend tonight sir?

Klaus: Yes I am.

Nurse: Do you need a blanket?

Klaus: No thank you.

Klaus sits by her side and places his hand on her arm and falls asleep.

A/n: Sorry it was short guys I'm really trying! College is so tiring and I've got so much work to do but I will try harder to post!

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