Chapter 4 🐺✨

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6AM on the dot Yazmin arrives at the house, Elijah had messaged prior to last nights message about getting the job sending a location to where Yazmin will be working. Klaus and Hope do not live with Elijah and the rest of the family as the compound is definitely not safe for a baby. Yazmin takes a deep breath in and knocks the door, Klaus opens it and stares at Yazmin with tired eyes.

Klaus: Come in she's still sleeping.

Yazmin: You look really tired.

Klaus: She was up most of the night crying I had no idea what she wanted I fed her, I changed her, I burped her, I even sang to her but nothing worked.

Yazmin: Have you tried playing white noise?

Klaus: What's that?

Yazmin: It's a mixture of sound waves babies love it! They tend to fall asleep much quicker and it helps reduce the risk of SIDS.

Klaus: Oh I'll try that.

Yazmin: What time would you say she'll wake up?

Klaus: I'm not sure.

Yazmin: That's okay.

Klaus tries hard to keep his eyes open.

Yazmin: Mr Mikaelson why don't you get some sleep I'll sit here and wait for Hope I really don't mind.

Klaus: Are you sure?

Yazmin: Of course.

Klaus: Okay, the baby monitor is on so you'll hear her if she cries.

Yazmin: Okay.

Klaus heads upstairs and Yazmin just sits awkwardly, she decides to message Avani to get some company.

Cries come out from the baby monitor and Yazmin throws her phone on the sofa and rushes towards the room where she hears the cries

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Cries come out from the baby monitor and Yazmin throws her phone on the sofa and rushes towards the room where she hears the cries. Turns out Hope sleeps in Klaus' room in a crib, he's too scared to leave her alone in her own room so he keeps her close.

Yazmin: Hey hey hey shh shh it's okay sweetie.

Yazmin looks over to Klaus who jumps out of his sleep.

Klaus: Is she okay?

Yazmin: She's okay. She's okay.

Yazmin: I think it's time for a nappy change.

Klaus: I'll uhm.

Yazmin: I've got it Mr Mikaelson you sleep.

Klaus: No I won't sleep.

Yazmin: Suit yourself.

Klaus: I'll change her.

Yazmin: Mr Mikaelson with all due respect it's my job to do all of this so please allow me to.

Klaus: I didn't ask you to come here. My brother hired you not me I don't want you here nor do I need you!

Yazmin: If you don't change her now she can get a rash.

Yazmin quietly hands Hope over to Klaus and has no idea what to do now.

Yazmin: Oh my!

Klaus walks out with puke all over his white shirt.

Klaus: Don't say a word. Just take her please and feed her I need to get changed.

Yazmin: Yes sir.

Yazmin takes Hope down and prepared a bottle.

Yazmin: Vomiting on your father that's a real treat.

Hope gives Yazmin a big smile.

Yazmin: You know what you did. For a six month old baby you're very naughty but you're super cute so he won't be mad.

Klaus walks down the stairs shirtless. Yazmin can't help herself but stare.

Klaus: Take a photo it lasts longer.

Embarrassed, Yazmin continues feeding Hope. Klaus looks everywhere for a clean shirt but cannot find anything. In anger he throws cushion onto the floor making you look to his direction.

Yazmin: Is everything okay?

Klaus: I forgot to wash the clothes damn it I forgot to wash the clothes!

Yazmin: Hey it's okay I can do it. It's my job Mr Mikaelson so please let me do it whether you want me here or not I've been hired to do this so let me!

Klaus says nothing and hands Yazmin the laundry basket and takes Hope off her. The whole day Yazmin cleaned up the house, took care of Hope and helped Klaus with anything else he needed. Klaus didn't speak to Yasmin much but she knew he needed time to adjust to getting help.

Yazmin: Would you like me to try and put her to sleep? Or would you like to try the white noise?

Klaus: Can you try?

Yazmin: Of course.

Yazmin takes Hope into her arms and starts to softly rock side to side. She uses her finger to rub the top of Hopes head and starts to sing.

Yazmin: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

Yazmin quietly places Hope in her crib and smiles.

Yazmin: She's off! She'll most likely wake up for her feed but hopefully she'll fall back to sleep after.

Klaus: Okay.

Yazmin: I should leave now.

Klaus: You should yes.

Yazmin: Goodnight Mr Mikaelson.

Klaus doesn't say a word and Yazmin walks down and out the house. Once she reaches home she flops her on bed and phones Avani.

Yazmin: Hey!

Avani: and how was the
rest of your day?

Yazmin: Busy! I cleaned his
whole house, did
he laundry and made
sure everything was
prepared for Hope.

Avani: Wow that's
dedication right there!

Yazmin: Tell me about it. I'm super tired I've got another long day tomorrow! But I have to tell you, after I messaged you Hope was crying so I went up to find where she was turns out she sleep in Klaus' room and he woke up to her cries and I said I'd change her nappy and he said he'll do it but I explained you know it's my job and he just told me he didn't want me there and stuff which low key hurt and came out after changing hope and he had vomit all over him and he told me not to say a word and he sent me down!

Avani: Damn girl
first crazy day!

Yazmin:Yeah I know
I'm gonna head off to
sleep I'll speak later!

Avani: Night Yaz!

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