Chapter 6 🐺✨

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Yazmin sits on the sofa with Hope who stays cuddled up against her.

Hope: Mama!

Yazmin and Klaus look at each other.

Hope: Mama!

Klaus: Did she just say her first word?

Yazmin: Oh my God!

Elijah: Dinner is served. What's going on?

Yazmin: She said her first word...

Elijah: We'll should you both be jumping around?

Yazmin : She said mama...

Elijah: I see.

Klaus: It's 10PM Yazmin I think it's best you leave. Your shift is over.

Elijah: Why don't you stay for dinner Yazmin I'm sure you would want some food?

Yazmin: I-

Klaus: Her shift is over.

Yazmin: Yeah my shift is over Elijah but thank you I'll have some dinner at home. I'll see you tomorrow Mr Mikaelson and you too Hope bye bye. I'll see you soon Elijah.

Elijah: See you soon Yazmin.

Yazmin leaves.

Elijah: She calls you Mr Mikaelson?

Klaus: That's her choice not mine.

Elijah: Then tell her she can call you by your name. You're just being stuck up Niklaus.

Klaus: I'm not!

Elijah: Like hell you're not! You don't speak to her, you just ignore the fact she's there and now that Hope has called her mother so you practically throw her out the house because you are what jealous?

Klaus; I'm not jealous you fool! She's not Hope's mother and never will be!

Elijah: So you do not like the fact she's getting close to Yazmin.

Klaus doesn't say a word.

Elijah: You need to fix up brother! You need to stop being so hateful towards Yazmin I know you are grieving Hayley's death SO AM I! I loved her more than anything Niklaus and now she's gone! We cannot do anything but move on and live as a family for Hope that's what she would've wanted! Call me when you decide to be a better man Niklaus for yourself and for Hope. And lastly do not drag Yazmin into your mess, don't take it out in her she hasn't done anything.

Elijah walks out in anger.

Klaus: Shit...

~ the weekend~

Since it's the weekend Yazmin doesn't work on the Saturday and Sunday's so she spends her time with Avani.

Avani: Sooo what happened yesterday?

Yazmin: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Avani: Try me.

Yazmin explains what happened yesterday and is sat on the sofa shocked.

Avani: He really said that about you? How did he not know you were standing right there?

Yazmin: I don't know... and Hope said her first word.

Avani: That's so cute what was it?

Yazmin: She called me mama.

Avani: Oh my-

Yazmin: I know! I know... Klaus definitely didn't like it he basically kicked me out.

Avani: He what!

Yazmin: Not like that he just implied it was time for me to go. He was mad for sure.

Avani: I'm so sorry girl.

Yazmin: I don't know why I took this job. I love babysitting but this, this is way too much than I expected.

Avani: This is my fault.

Yazmin: No vani it isn't trust me. If Klaus wasn't so stuck up I'm sure things would be better.

Avani: What are you going to do?

Yazmin: I'm still going to do my job it'll be a bit more awkward though.

Avani: I'm sure it will. I didn't ask when does your contract end?

Yazmin: Me and Elijah agreed when Hope is 4 I'll stop.

Avani: Woah girl that's a long time.

Yazmin: I know but I saw a little girl in need of help so I took it, I mean a child with no mother or mother figure at all it must be hard for them I could never let that happen to Hope I love her too much.

Yazmin starts to tear up.

Avani: Yaz don't cry. Girl it's going to be okay.

Yazmin: I just want what's best for her. I want to give her the life I couldn't give- I want her to be happy.

Avani: I'm sure she will with you by her side. Come here.

She pulls Yazmin in for a hug, Yazmin sobs in her arms whilst thinking about her past.

Avani: Wanna go shopping?

Yazmin: Would I ever say no to shopping?

They head out to the mall.

Yazmin: Ohh let's go in there!

Avani: Seriously? Baby store?

Yazmin: Oh come on I wanna get something for Hope.

Avani: Let's go then I can buy a gift for my older sisters baby.

Yazmin: I still can't believe you didn't tell me you had an older sister.

Avani: She lives in Ohio with her husband i kinda forgot to mention her. But she's coming to live here soon so you'll meet her soon enough.

Yazmin: Is it her first baby?

Avani: Yup that's why she's coming here she wants help from mom.

Yazmin: Aw that's so cute. What is she having?

Avani: She's having a girl.

Yazmin: Let's head to the baby girls section.

Avani: Oh my this is adorable.

Yazmin: Ahh it's so cute you have to get it.

Avani looks at the price tag and puts it back.

Avani: Maybe I'll get it another time.

Yazmin: I'll get it for you to give to her.

Avani: Don't be silly Yaz.

Yazmin: It's on me!

Hope: Mama!

Yazmin and Avani turn around, there stood Klaus and Hope in her stroller.

Hope: Mama! Mama! Mama!

Hope reaches her arms out for Yazmin and she gets picked up.

Yazmin: Hi sweetie.

Hope: Mama!

Hope cuddles Yazmin.

Klaus: What are you doing here?

Yazmin: I'm helping my friend shop for her sister's baby's.

Klaus: Right. We best be off come on Hope.

Hope: No mama.

Klaus: Hope come on sweetie.

Hope: Nooo.

Yazmin: Hope I'll see you on Monday okay.

Hope starts to cry as Klaus takes her from Yazmin's arms. Yazmin feels guilty that Hope is crying but there's nothing she can do Hope is not hers. Once Yazmin and Avani headed back from the mall, Yazmin locked herself at home the rest of the weekend awaiting for Monday. She lied awake thinking of her past... Dante her ex boyfriend abused her for 3 years she couldn't escape him she was trapped she thought she'd never be free but the day she got out she was relieved. Tears ran down her eyes she felt so alone in that moment she felt no one will ever love her at all.

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