Chapter 5 🐺✨

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Yazmin has been Hope's nanny for three weeks now, Hope has bonded well with Yazmin however Klaus keeps his distance and hardly speaks to Yazmin only if it's to do with Hope.

Yazmin: Good morning sunshine.

She carefully picks up Hope trying not to wake Klaus who's sleeping in his bed.

Yazmin: Let's leave your father to sleep shall we.

Yazmin glances over at Klaus watching him peacefully sleep and she smiles leaving with Hope heading down to make breakfast.

Yazmin: Right Hope how would you like to try some scrambled eggs and toast? Does that sound nice?

Hope smiles at Yazmin and giggles a little.

Yazmin: I'll take that as a yes!

Yazmin prepares breakfast and hears steps walking towards her.

Yazmin: Good morning Mr Mikaelson.

Klaus just looks at Yazmin and doesn't say a word and immediately walks to Hope's direction.

Klaus: Good morning my princess.

Hope gets very excited to see Klaus and puts her arms up for him to pick her up. Klaus picks Hope up and she snuggles into his chest and he cuddles her.

Yazmin: Aw morning cuddles from daddy.

Yazmin places Hope's breakfast on her high chair with a sippy cup filled with water. Klaus places Hope down and she digs in her breakfast.

Yazmin: What would you like to eat Klaus?

Klaus: I'm not hungry.

Yazmin: Oh alright if you want anything just let me know.

She walks towards Hope and sits on a chair.

Yazmin: Is that yummy? Is it?

Hope starts to giggle.

Yazmin: You are so sweet little lady.

Hope takes a piece of toast and reaches out to Yazmin indicating she wants to feed Yazmin.

Yazmin: Aw sweetie that's for you not for me. Thank you for offering! Haha.

Hope starts to babble.

Yazmin: Oh really? You do like this food? Oh I'm a great cook! Why thank you.

Once Hope was done Yazmin cleaned her up and place hope in her baby walker.

Klaus: Oh my beautiful princess. Come here.

Klaus picks her up.

Klaus: Did you eat all your breakfast? That's a good girl.

Yazmin watched Klaus being cuddly with Hope and smiles. Klaus turns to look at Yazmin who's clearly staring and he immediately sets Hope down and walks towards Yazmin. Yazmin instantly looks in a different direction trying to pretend she wasn't staring.

Klaus: I need to head out for a while I have some shopping to do for Hope. Will you stay here with her? It'll be easier if you both stayed here whilst I ran errands.

Yazmin: Yeah of course.

Klaus: Okay. I'm off then. Goodbye my little princess.

Klaus kisses Hope on her forehead and walks out the door.

Yazmin: Looks like it's just us girlies Hope, so what shall we do?

~Skip time~

Yazmin and hope have been enjoying their time, Hope has been having tummy time and played in the sun. Yazmin set Hope down for a nap, turned on the baby monitor and headed down to get dinner ready for when Klaus gets back. She's chopping some onions and she suddenly hears a noise come from the back garden, she has no intention on investigating the noise (we all know how that ends) so she carry's on chopping her onions. The noise gets louder, she looks around the house and see a bar in the corner of the living room and walks around the house with the bat. She hears footsteps in the house she turns the corner and hits this tall figure with the bat repeatedly.

Raising Hope - Klaus x OC Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ