Chapter thirteen

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On Halloween, Jessica dragged me to a party in Hollywood. Vincent was banned, but I was determined to take him with me anyway - but Vincent refused, saying he wouldn't spend any more time with Jess than was necessary. He said, that he would usurp me for himself for all the remaining holidays.

Is it weird if I like how they fight for me?

Jess is so obsessed with her role in the tv series that she dressed up as a vampire at the party and dressed me in one of her costumes from the set. The black, corseted dress tightened me until I couldn't breathe. The ruffled straps were falling off my shoulders. The wide knee-length skirt extended to the floor at the back. A gothic necklace adorned my neck. My hair was styled in the style of a Rococo lady. Soft smoky make-up to highlight the eyes and deep red lips. Fake vampire fangs and a trickle of fake blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. The perfect vampire.

We arrived at the party. Already outside, the strong bass of music could be heard echoing from inside. There was a line of people standing in front of the entrance, who were being let in gradually, and especially very slowly, if at all. We were let in without any waiting, thanks to Jessica's newfound status. Funny considering the fact that she is not known yet and no one knows about her, but she already means something. Having even the smallest role in Hollywood means something.

We walked down a long black corridor. The walls vibrated, it rumbled between them like during a stormy night. At the end was a golden bead curtain that ushered us into the club. As soon as I entered, I was hit by a wave of sound like a baseball bat. It couldn't be called music; it was just individual notes glued into an alleged melody. I couldn't hear my own words, sometimes I wasn't sure what I was actually saying, whether I was pronouncing the same thing I was carrying in my head. The lights flashed rapidly, images appeared and disappeared again into the darkness. It disoriented me.

I stood there transfixed; didn't want to step into the chaos. Jessica grabbed my arm and pulled me into the mass of bodies coiling around themselves like snakes. They were disproportionately pressed against each other, leaving no room for breathing. I didn't like the closeness of someone else's skin on mine. I'd much rather be somewhere with Vincent right now, at a regular high school party, watching people around like a scary gargoyle from above—as Henry called me. It took me a while to develop that superficial look that was already chilling from a distance. I am proud of it.

Jess got lost in the crowd, so I took the chance to get away from there. I could have left, I thought about it, but it wouldn't be very friendly to leave Jessica alone without warning. I decided to go to the bar, if I'm going to survive tonight I'm going to need alcohol, and when Jessica wants me, she'll find me there.

The barman asked me what I would like and I asked for a whole bottle of whiskey. A moment later he returned with a glass of amber liquid with ice.

"I wanted the whole bottle," I said slightly irritated to the bartender.

"Honey, who's going to take you home then," he teased me.

That honestly pissed me off. I hate it when someone underestimates me just because I'm a woman. I can stand a lot more than any man, and Vincent can attest to that. He himself wondered many times how I could compete with his friends. And I'm not in the habit of losing or giving people proof that they were right. And besides, I hate it when someone calls me honey or anything like that. It dishonors my seriousness.

I took a glass of drink and angrily threw it in his face. "You Do. Not. Call. Me. Sweetie." I said with emphasis on every word. Vincent would love this scene. He liked it when I was mean, while my parents would be horrified by my unacceptable behavior.

"Wow. Rough girl." declared a male voice behind me.

I turned to him. A young, handsome man was standing in front of me. He was a head taller than me. His blond hair was cut short on the sides and the longer middle part was combed up. His bright blue eyes were accentuated by a black pencil. Pale skin. Dressed in a vampire prince costume.

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