Malcolm Pace (Malconnor)

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Malcolm Pace P.o.V

I paced around my dorm room, studying for the entrance exam at the City College of New York.

I had to get in and become what I've always wanted to be, a geophysicist.

I pushed my glasses up my nose as I studied.

I missed Camp Half-Blood, and the smell of strawberries, and most of all, I missed the Hermes cabin.

Okay, maybe not the Hermes cabin, but I missed the Stolls, more specifically Connor. 

I missed his mischievous smile, and how I chased him after his pranks. Okay, I didnt exactly miss his pranking, but I missed him in general. 

My ambition had always been to become a geophysicist. Mostly it was because it included al my favourite subjects, Mathematic, Engineering, Geology and Physics. I loved studying about Earth's magnetic fields, and learning about its gravitational pull towards moon, and more.

I sighed. I kept thinking about Connor and his stupid, adorable face. He was so annoyingly cute, which was infuriating. But thank gods for Nico Di Angelo.

His coming out made me realize that I was, in fact, gay. Thank gods that Nico admitted, or else I would never have realized it.

A few days after that, I left to join University.

Then a small knock on the dorm room's door made me freeze.

"Come in." I said.

Then Connor's curly head popped in and he smirked his trademark mischievous grin that made me fall for him.

"What are you doing here?" I said, feeling a blush on my cheeks.

"Sneaking in to visit you, of course!" he replied, smirking. But on seeing my horrorstruck expression, he quickly amended, "I was joking! I'm here to enroll for University, same as you. I was given this dorm room, same as yours, coincidentally..."

I raised an eyebrow. 

"Fine." He admitted. "I ah-persuaded them."

I sighed and shook my head, smirking softly.

"By the way, wanna go out tonight?" He said winking, and flashing me a smile.

I nodded, then realized what he said. I blushed and chased after him, but he ran out.

I groaned but a small smirk lingered on my lips.

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