Chapter 5

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"Okay, so where are we going?" I ask Nick, fifteen minutes after we left my house. "I can't tell you, it'll ruin your surprise." I groan, I hate surprises. I look out the window when Nick starts talking again. "When's your next game, I want to be there." I look over at him and a big smile crosses my face.

"Really?" He wants to watch my game? A feeling of happiness swells in my chest. "Yeah, I want to say hi to all my favourite coaches." Oh right, I forgot that my coaches were his.

A little disappointed, I told him that my next game, which is finals, is in two weeks. "Two weeks? Perfect, I only have a game next week, so I can make it." I turn back to look out the window, and we stay silent for the rest of the car ride.


He pulls into a dark parking lot and leads me into a big building. I don't think I've seen this place before. We're five minutes from Westford College's campus, so I had to have driven past here before.

"Where are we Nick?" He turns to me with a smile, putting his hand in mine. An electric jolt trickles across my skin. "You'll see."

As we walk into the building, there's a man at a counter with a whole bunch of ice skates on the wall behind him. I turn to Nick instantly, my face hurting by how much I'm smiling.

"We're going ice skating!" I've always wanted to go ice skating before, but never had. "Yep." He looks down at me, a grin covering his face.

We walk towards the man at the counter and Nick asks what size I am. He passes me a pair of white skates and helps me tie them up.

"Why is it so hard to tie hockey skates?" I wonder aloud. Nick just shrugs. He takes my hand again, which I don't know why he does, but I like it. And we walk towards the rink.

"I'm going to warn you," Nick says, getting onto the ice. "Skating isn't as easy as it looks." He continues. "Yeah right," I say, taking my first step onto the ice.

Nick was right. I should have listened to Nick, because as soon as I try to get on the ice, I slip and fall on my butt. Great, just great. I try to get up but I keep slipping, and to top it all off Nick is bursting out laughing.

"Not funny." I scowl. He just continues to laugh. "Of course it's funny." He bends down and offers me his hand. "Here, I'll help you." I take his hand and clutch onto his arms for dear life. Nick starts to skate backwards, and drags me along with him.

Skating is not what I thought it would be like. I feel like a dog on a leash, and Nicks pulling my leash which is even more frustrating. He finally lets me go a little bit and I'm skating on my own! I'm actually doing it!

"Nick, do you see this! I'm doing it!" He chuckles. "Yeah you are. Okay now try to skate towards me." I walk little baby steps towards him, and I think I'm getting it! Or at least I thought I was because I messed up and trip. Right on top of Nick.

We both fall to the ice, his back on the ice, my chest on his. The warmness I felt when he kissed me and while he held my hand is back, but a lot stronger. My eyes keep flickering to his lips then to his eyes, and Nick just keeps staring at me, then starts laughing.

"What is so funny?" I pout, as Nick pulls me off of him. "You trying to skate." I roll my eyes and try to get up, but it isn't working! Nick stands up flawlessly which pisses me off, and holds out his hands to help me. Except no matter how much he helps me, I keep slipping on the ice. Nick just sighs and bends down, lifting me into his arms bridal style.

"Um Nick, what are you doing?" I ask, staring straight into his brown eyes. "Helping you skate of course," "but you're doing all the work?" "exactly." I shake my head. So much for the romantic skating in my books.

Nick walks out of the rink and plops me down on the bench. He walks over and starts to take his skates off. I do the same.

"So did you have fun?" He asks, as we walk back to return our skates. "Yeah, if falling on your butt every five seconds is fun." He laughs. "I'm never going to forget your face every time you fell on your butt," "yeah my bruises won't forget it either." That just makes him laugh harder.

We get into the car and Nick pulls out of the parking lot. Just as I think he's about to drop me off at home, he turns the opposite way. Huh. Where are we going?

"Nick, home is that way." I stick my thumb to the right. "Yeah I know." He smiles. Ugh he's not going to tell me where we're going.

Five minutes later we arrive at a place called "Best Ice Cream In The World." I raise my eyebrows. "World's best ice cream? Ha, I'll be the judge of that." Nick just shakes his head and gets out of the car.

We walk in to nobody there. Just the workers and us. "Oh my gosh! Look at all the flavours Nick!" I run over to all the different kinds of ice cream, I'm never going to pick just one!

Nick then walks over and stands right beside me. "What flavour are you thinking Bells?" I keep looking between mint chocolate chip, my all time favourite. And strawberry cheesecake.

"I don't know, strawberry cheesecake looks really yummy, but mint chocolate chip is my favourite." I never can pick ice cream flavours. One time it took me twenty minutes to decide.

"Why don't you get a scoop of both?" He suggests. I can do that? Hm! "Sure!" Nick orders double chocolate and cookies and cream, and then repeats my order. I pull out my wallet to pay, but he said he insisted. I'm not complaining, free ice cream!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I give him a little hug, and sigh with how good the ice cream is. Nick and I sit on a bench just outside of the shop to eat our ice cream.

"Is it really the World's Best Ice Cream?" I stare into his eyes for a little bit longer than I should have. A smile creeps on my face as I answer. "I think so."

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