Chapter 9

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Nick and I have one more date before my big volleyball game. It's Friday night and he thought that taking me out before my game and meeting with Westfords coaches would help with the stress.

The truth is, I'm really, really nervous. Every time I have a second to just think, my mind thinks of my game coming up. And then when I'm not thinking about my game I'm thinking about the meeting.

I'm just grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen when Nick texts me that he'll be here in five minutes. Five minutes! I'm still in my pyjamas! I ditch my granola bar, running upstairs to get changed.

I throw on a pair of jeans with a few rips in them and then pull a green knit sweater over my head. I just get started on my makeup and hair when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Ethan!" I call, "can you get that?" "Yeah!" Ethan yells back. I finish up on my skin part of my routine pretty quickly because my acne isn't that bad. I just finish my mascara when Nick walks into my bedroom.

"Hey Bells," He smiles, seeing me in the bathroom. I look over to see Nick with a navy blue crewneck and a nice pair of jeans. My stomach turns with a whole bunch of different emotions when seeing him.

I give Nick a big smile, that's starting to come naturally now. "Hey Nick, sorry I'm almost done." I turn my attention back to my curling iron which is fully heated now, I quickly get started on my hair right away.

My mind wanders over to the meeting tomorrow and I'm debating whether or not I should invite Nick. If he says no I can always take Ethan, but part of me, a big part of me wants to take Nick. Just ask him Bella! I mean what's the worst thing that's going to happen, he says no?

I turn to see Nick looking around my bedroom, staring at photos, and reading the back of books on my shelf.

"Um Nick?" I ask a little bit shy. He turns his attention to me, a book in his hand. "Yeah, what's up?" I try to swallow my nervousness down but it doesn't want to disappear!

"Would you," I place the curling iron down and unplug the cord. I look to him and then to the floor. "Would you like to come with me to the meeting tomorrow?" I finally blurt out. I told him about the meeting, he just doesn't know about Coach Anders recommending him or my brother to come along.

Nick's face lights up instantly. "Of course, I'd love to be there, Bells," He walks over to me and hugs me from behind. I can feel his breath on my neck when he says, "you're going to rock that meeting tomorrow. The coaches will love you so much that they offer you a spot tight then and there." It's hard to focus on what he's saying when his arms are around me. There's nobody here so he doesn't have to be hugging me.

I catch his gaze in the mirror and give him a tight smile. "Thank you," I turn around to face him and give him a big hug. I don't know why I'm hugging him, it just feels right, right now. He squeezes me back and then quickly backs away from me. "Ready to go?" Yep.


Nick and I are both in the car on our way to the mall. This is the only time he's ever told me where we're going.

I turn to Nick, "Can I play music?" I'm tired of the silence. It's not awkward, it's just not pleasant. He smiles and passes me his phone. I ask him for his password and he gives it up easily. Huh, I'm surprised. I open the music app and am shocked by what music he has.

"Um Nick? Are you sure that you didn't accidentally take someone else's phone?" I question as I keep scrolling through Disney soundtracks, Bruno Mars, Sam Smith, and Ariana Grande? He glares at me. "What's wrong with my music taste Bells?" "oh nothing, I'm just really surprised. I figured you liked rap music and that your favourite rapper was Kanye West." I hate myself for saying his name.

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