Chapter 4

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Aurora and I were just walking down the halls when we started to hear the chanting. We figured it was just another regular high school fight until I heard his annoying voice. Nick.

At that point Aurora's hand is in mine and we start sprinting down the hall to find a whole bunch of people in a circle around James and Nick just outside of the school. Oh no, oh no, no, no. I burst through the crowd and walk over to Nick, who has his annoying grin on as always.

"Funny to see you here Bells," He smiles. Gosh he's so annoying. "Ha, ha, very funny." I grab his arm and try to pull him away but what James says stops me dead in my tracks. "So you two are together huh? Glad to know I meant something to you." Are you absolutely kidding me? He goes off and cheats on my birthday and he's giving me shit?

I let go of Nick's arm and turn towards James. "James, shut up. You go off and kiss another girl on my birthday and you're giving me shit for being with a real man?" I scoff, looking him up and down. "You're not even half the man he is." I stick my thumb towards Nick. Nick then walks over and kisses me on the head, then slowly moves his mouth to my lips.

"I'm going to kiss you now, okay?" I nod my head, and his lips meet mine. I place one hand on his neck and give James the bird with the other. I hear laughter erupt around us but I don't pay attention to it. I'm so wrapped up in the kiss, that when Nick pulls away my eyes are still closed. "You ready Bells?" I snap out of whatever fantasy I was in and walk towards the direction of his car. I wave to Aurora, and get in Nick's car.


"What were you saying to him?" I ask Nick as he's pulling into my driveway. He parks, turns off the engine, then turns to face me. I grab my water bottle from my bag and take a sip."Oh nothing, just how you kiss like an angel." I start choking on my water. I start hitting my chest and turn to him, shock written on every inch of my face.

"You said what?" I say in disbelief. There's no way he said that, he's got to be joking. His face erupts in his signature smile. "Yeah, and I said something else too," He pretends to think. "Oh! And that your bedroom's a cute design." Did he just? Imply that we? I swear my eyes bulge out of its socket.

I sit in shock for a few minutes before erupting into laughter. Nick looks at me weirdly before laughing too. "You're ridiculous!" Nick looks at me for a long second, "I know." We stare at each other for what feels like forever until he breaks the silence by saying he's got to go. I nod my head, walk through the front door, and wonder why my stomach feels weird all of a sudden.


It's Wednesday night and Nick's picking me up in twenty minutes. He told me to dress casually so I put on leggings and my Westford sweater. I brush on a little bit of natural makeup, curl my hair, and brush it out so it looks like beach waves.

The last couple of days have been pretty chill. Nick hasn't started anything with James and James hasn't started anything with me.

I think our plan is working because I see James talking in the halls with a new girl each day. I hope however this helps Nick that it's been working too.

I walk down the stairs and plop onto the couch and throw on the first movie I see. Shrek the Third? Eh Shrek's cool I guess.

A couple minutes later I hear knocking at the door. I quickly get up from my spot on the couch, to see Nick standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

I stare at him for a few seconds. He looks really nice. He's wearing a gray hoodie with a pair of nice jeans, and his hair is his regular messy but perfect look.

"Are you going to invite me in? Or just look at me all night?" He grins, I open the door wider and roll my eyes. "These are for you," He says, giving me the pink tulips. "To give to your Mom." I look up at him to see him laughing. "You should have seen your face!" I stick my tongue out at him. "Are these for me?" I ask a little bit shy now. He rolls his eyes and pulls out a piece of paper from the flowers that has my name on it. "Of course they are for you."

My face breaks into a big smile. I give him a little hug and walk to the kitchen to put them in a vase. I motion him to follow me and he takes a seat at the island.

"My brothers upstairs if you want to talk to him while I put these in a vase," I say, searching for one in the many kitchen cupboards.

"No, I want to stay here with you." He answers. I don't know why but after those words something in my stomach stirs. Jeez I need to take some Advil. I finally find my mothers crystal vase is the fifth cupboard I look in. I fill it with water and place it on the middle of the counter.

"Ready Bells?" "One second I just need to leave a note for my parents, they are still working." I quickly grab the pad of notes, write that I'm going out with some friends, and leave it next to the tulips.

"Okay," I say, walking towards the front door. "Ready."

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