Chapter 7

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It was so nice to meet all of Nick's coaches. They really just smiled and said it was nice to meet me, but I didn't really expect anything else. They have to see me play before they think about me on their team, just because Nick says so, it doesn't mean I'm good. Even though he is Nick.

Just as we were about to leave, a few of Nick's friends walk over to us. "Who's this Nick?" The tall blonde one asks. Nick looks from me to him, his jaw clenched tight. "Bella, my girlfriend." He replies, wrapping one arm around my waist and pulling me tight.

I hate how much his touch has an affect on me. And I hate how much I love all our kisses and touches. The blonde guy smiles, sticks his hand out and introduces himself as Andrew. I shake his hand and give him a fake smile. Something about him is off, I just don't know what.

The other two guys beside him introduce themselves as Mekhi and Kenji. If it wasn't for their jerseys, I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart. I learned they were identical twins.

"Okay well introductions over, I gotta get her home." Nick dismisses them, turn us around to leave. But Andrew continues to talk. He laughs and then begins. "I mean you could go home, or you could party with us?" He suggests, crossing his arms over his chest.

Nick looks between him and I and shakes his head. "Nah, it's okay. It's been a long day, might as well call it a night." Nick turns to leave again but Andrew talks, again.

"But we can't have a party without Nick. Can we Mekhi?" Mekhi shakes his head. Nick looks between us again and finally gives in. "Fine, but only for an hour. Text me the details." Nick turns to leave again, but this time Andrew doesn't stop him.

I really don't want to go to a party, but Nick does I guess so I don't complain. "Are you fine with going Bells? I can drop you off before?" Nick asks, driving to his house that's five minutes away. I shrug."It's fine I guess, besides, there's no point in driving all the way to my house then back here." He nods, his jaw still clenched really tight.

Why is he so tense? Was Andrew upsetting him? "Are you okay Nick?" I ask, all of a sudden worried. He turns to me with a small smile. "Yeah, everything's all right. Why?" I shrug. "You just seem upset, that's all." He pats me on the leg, which leaves an electric feeling jolt through me. "Thanks Bells."

We continue on in silence, and when we reach the house he tells me to wait in the car until he comes back.

I really don't want to go to this party. Andrew doesn't really seem that great. He gives the vibe of the ex best friend of the love interest in a romance movie, who's jealous 24/7.

After a few more minutes, Nick walks out in a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. His shirt fits him perfectly in all the right places. I quickly turn away before he notices me staring.

"Okay," He says, getting into the car. "You ready?" He turns to me. "Yep." Not at all.


We arrive at a big mansion a little over fifteen minutes from Nick's house. So we're about ten minutes from my house. There's a few people on the lawn but I can hear that most of the people are inside. I'm about to start walking in when Nick pulls me towards him.

"I know almost everyone here so we stick together and act like a couple," He stares straight into my eyes. "Don't drink anything unless I give it to you and make sure you always have me in your sight. Got it?" Why was he being so serious? Normal Nick wouldn't have cared if I was passed out of this lawn. I nod, following closely behind Nick.

When we walk in, the party is not something that I expected. It's completely destroyed, fancy furniture stained with alcohol and paintings slanted on the walls. I see kegs just outside of the kitchen, and I'm determined to not have any of it.

Nick places his hand in mine and walks us over to a group of his friends. "Nick!" One of them says. "You decided to show up after all!" The man then turns his attention towards me. "Who's this beauty?" A lazy smile stretches across Nick's face. "Micheal this is Bella, Bella this is Micheal. We're in the same program." I reach out my hand for him to shake but instead he grabs my hand and pulls me in a hug. "Oh um hi." I blurt out, shocked that he'd hug someone he just met. "Your cute, where'd you two meet?" Micheal asks me. I look to Nick for him to respond. Nick clears his throat. "She's Ethan's little sister." "What!" Micheal puts his hand over his mouth. "Ooo very scandalous," "he knows Mike." Micheal just giggles like a little kid, then turns to me.

"What school do you go to Bella?" Micheal asks. "Oh I'm in grade twelve." Micheal smirks. "Going for the young girls aren't you?" We both laugh when we see Nick's facial expression. "I like him, he's funny." I tell Nick, which earns me a smile. "I know I am." Micheal jokes. "I'm going to go get some water or something." I tell them, walking over to the kitchen. Nick tries to follow me but somebody stops to say hi to him.

I walk into the kitchen, trying to find some drink that doesn't have alcohol in it. It takes me a minute or so but I finally find a bottle without a label on it that looks like water. I grab an empty plastic cup and pour a little bit of the liquid into the cup.

I go to take a sip but before I do a familiar face stumbles over towards me. "Hey Bella." Andrew slurs, coming closer to me. "Hi Andrew." I reply, thinking of a way I can get out of this conversation. He stops so close to me, I can smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Where's Nick? Did he leave you all alone?" He places a hand on the cabinet above my hand, leaning even closer to my face.

"Uh no, he's just talking with a friend." I say, trying to move away from him. But Andrew sees what I'm doing and traps me against the counter, his nose touching mine now.

"Would you mind backing away please? I really need to go see Nick." I say, my voice a little bit quieter and weaker than I intended.

"No, no no. You're staying here with me." He smirks. My breathing starts to speed up, and I start panicking. What he is going to do? There's no one else in the room, and Nick is wrapped up in a conversation in another room.

Andrew starts to lean in to kiss me and I try to move my head back as much as I can, but before he can kiss me someone walks into the room.

"Bella? Bella!" Nick says, coming closer to us. He shoves Andrew off of me and screams in his face. "What the hell are you doing man!" "Just trying to get a little piece of your pretty little girlfriend." He smirks, that pisses him off because Nick goes and punches him in the face. I gasp, covering my mouth in shock.

I thought he was just going to punch him once, but he keeps going until his face is all bloody and messed up. "Don't ever touch her again or I'll mess up more than just your face." Nick spits, then turns to me.

He comes over and tucks my hair behind my ear. "Are you okay?" He asks, scanning every inch of my face. I nod, not being able to move my lips to speak. "Come on, let's get you home." Nick takes my hand and leads me to his car. We don't say a word the whole ride home.

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