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minho left the meeting room, having participated in a discussion with other high-ranking officials concerning the disappearance of some of the most dangerous mafia leaders.

these disappearances had ignited a frenzy in the underworld, with accusations pointed towards the SKZ mafia, accusations that held true.

however, a more immediate concern had come to light. certain mafia groups were setting their sights on the agency, specifically targeting a particular detective, han jisung.

these groups were well aware of lee know's, the leader of the SKZ mafia, fascination with the detective. they aimed to exploit this connection, planning to manipulate jisung as a pawn in their scheme to exact revenge on lee know and the SKZ mafia.

upon entering his office, lee know's frustration erupted. he angrily scattered items across his desk, his frustration even manifesting in a fierce scream.

he despised himself for involving jisung in this complex situation, making him a target for the entire underworld.

after his outburst, he settled into his chair, massaging his temples and mumbling to himself, "how did i let this happen?"

the speed at which the mafia groups were mobilizing caught him off guard. the agency had been flooded with a barrage of threats, demanding the surrender of detective han jisung. failure to comply would result in the agency being bombed. additional threats loomed, including the detonation of explosives across the city if the agency failed to take action against the SKZ mafia.

in response to these escalating threats, he and other high-ranking officials convened for a meeting. their focus was on strategizing how to counter these mafia groups and prioritize detective han's safety, as explicitly instructed by minho himself.

the older was conflicted; he didn't want to further involve jisung, but at the same time, he didn't know how to deal with the mess he had made.

he hadn't expected the members of those mafia leaders to seek revenge, but now the situation was different, and he had to think quickly before they harmed the younger.

he had already informed jisung about the subject of their meeting earlier, advising him not to go anywhere and to be with someone he trusted if he did need to leave.

the agency had also prioritized jisung's safety, which was why there was now tight security around the premises.

minho leaned back in his chair, took out his phone, and dialed a number.

"changbin, do you have any information about these mafia groups?" he asked.

"not all of them yet. there are many of them involved, so it might take a while," changbin replied from the other end.

"tell the others that i'm ordering them to eliminate the easiest targets. we can't afford to wait any longer!" minho's frustration was evident in his voice.

"okay, boss. by the way, we received some kind of message from one of these groups. do you want to know its contents?" changbin asked cautiously, making sure not to anger minho further.


"i'll send them to you, boss." with that, changbin ended the call, and almost immediately, minho received a message notification.

to: SKZ's mafia leader, lee know.

hello lee know, or should i say, lee minho.

upon reading the first line, minho could already feel his heart racing.

you might ask, "how did he know?" well, that doesn't matter now, does it? the only thing that matters now is that i know your identity, but you don't know mine. now, now, i won't reveal your identity to the public, but instead, to your lovely boyfriend, han jisung.

minho's hands turned clammy, and sweat trickled down his forehead as he read the message. 'he can't tell jisung, not yet,' he thought.

but if you meet me tonight, i'll make sure to keep your secret to my grave.

here's the address: [address attached]. i'm looking forward to seeing you, lee know :)

minho's breath got caught in his throat. he couldn't believe someone had found out his identity.

he exited the message and quickly dialed another number with shaking hands.

"hyunjin, i want you to trace the ip of this message. i'll send it to you," he ordered through the phone.

"alright, hyung. your breathing sounds shaky, are you alright?" asked hyunjin, worry evident in his tone.

instead of replying he instantly sent hyunjin the message he had received.

"oh! i got the message hyung, let me check,"

there was rustling in the background, and a few moments later, dramatic gasps could be heard.

"HYUNG! SOMEONE ALREADY KNOW WHO YOU ARE?!" the other exclaimed on the other end.

"yes, hyunjin. now i want you to find out who sent me that message before the sun sets, or else i'll air-fry the shit out of you," minho sternly ordered.

"alright, hyung."

minho ended the call, feeling like everything was getting worse today. "hopefully hyunjin finds out the motherfucker who sent me this message," he mumbled to himself.

not for long, his phone sounded a notification, and he immediately scrambled to pick it up from his desk.

my love ♡
min, let's have lunch together :]

minho smiled at the message, feeling himself calm down. he expected hyunjin to send him the information about the sender of the message, but this was even better. jisung had instantly made his day.

let's eat at my office today :)

my love ♡
alright, love
see you ♡

and with that, minho immediately stood up from his chair, cleaning up the items he had scattered due to his earlier outburst.


after a while, a soft knock echoed throughout minho's office. he mumbled a small "come in," and in walked han jisung, carrying a paper bag.

"hi min, i brought food," the younger said happily, entering minho's office and displaying the paper bag in his hands.

he closed the door and locked it behind him before making his way to the man seated in the chair.

"i don't know the contents of this bag, by the way. i was going to go out and buy food, but chan hyung didn't allow me, so he was the one who bought it," the younger explained, setting the paper bag on the table and digging through its contents.

"chan did the right thing, love. you know you can't come out in the open at this time," minho expressed his concern, helping jisung unpack the food.

"i know that, min," jisung chuckled, opening the food package and happily enjoying his lunch date with minho.


after his lunch date with minho, jisung returned to his department's office. on his way there, his phone sounded a ding.

he took it from his pocket and saw that he had received a message from an unknown number. he hesitated in opening the message, but curiosity got the best of him. he took a deep breath before reading it.

to: detective han jisung.

case 143 | minsungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat