2.8K 124 109

jisung paced back and forth in his room, deciding if he should go meet L.K. at the river. He thought of all possible things that could happen during the meetup.

"what if he plans on killing me... or worse," jisung thought out loud. he was genuinely curious about the identity of this L.K. person, as he seemed to be the mastermind behind most of the cases connected to this individual.

jisung knew that this meetup could be dangerous, but he told himself he had no choice. if he wanted to put an end to these heinous crimes, he needed to get closer to the mastermind.

"there's a chance that he won't kill me in the meetup; after all, that's not how L.K. operates..." jisung said to himself, struggling to put his shoes on.

he took out his phone and sent a quick message to his friends/co-workers just in case something bad happened to him.


bitch friends

hey guys i'm gonna go out for a while. if anything bad happen pls tell the landlord chan hyung will pay my rent.

anyway where are you even going
at this hour?

cute boy seungmin
is jisung finally going out on a date? 

haha, no i'm not going on a date seungMEAN. i'm just going to check on something quick
bye homos 👋👋


jisung stuffed his phone in his pocket after sending his messages. he got in his car with a heavy heart, not having a single idea of what could happen during this meetup. jisung was betting on the possibility that L.K wouldn't kill him, given the way he operated, but just to be safe, he brought his gun along.

while driving, he suddenly realized something.

"how the hell did he know..?" he thought,

how did L.K. know the river he goes to when he's feeling down? han river was the place jisung frequently visited when he felt sad. the sound of the water below calmed his mind and heart, and it was where he went when he needed to cry his heart out.

it was highly suspicious that L.K. would be aware of such a personal detail. Was he watching jisung? did L.K. know everything about him now? well, if that were the case, it wouldn't be surprising since L.K. is a bigshot in the underworld after all.

still, jisung couldn't shake off that odd feeling inside him. who the hell is L.K.? what kind of person is he? and why the hell is he leaving riddles and poetic nonsense at every crime scene connected to him? jisung had many questions, and maybe tonight, he'd get answers to all of them.


jisung arrived at the river. it was already evening, so there weren't many people around. jisung could hear his heart beating in his chest, and cold sweat trickled down his forehead. he looked around the area, searching for L.K., the person he was supposed to meet here.

after a few minutes of looking around, there was no sign of who this L.K. person could be. jisung continued walking around the place until he noticed something sticking to one of the railings.

a pink envelope was attached to the railing, the same kind found at every crime scene connected to the SKZ mafia and their mastermind.

jisung slowly opened the pink envelope, feeling really nervous about what he might find inside.

"well, here goes nothing," he said as he cautiously pulled out the contents. it turned out to be a note of some kind.

he examined the note and read what was written on it:

i know you know
- L.KNOW ♡

jisung furrowed his eyebrows, confused about what the note was implying until he realized that the word 'know' was written in red, and the 'K' in L.K. became 'KNOW.'

jisung immediately understood what it meant. he was a little disappointed because he had hoped for a big clue or even a face-to-face meeting with L.K., but it turned out to be just a play on the letters in the name.

jisung concluded that L.KNOW was probably just a fake name, and the real identity of the mastermind remained unknown.

"well... i guess there's still a long way to go before this case is solved. not a huge hint, but it's something," Jisung sighed as he slowly walked back to where he parked his car.

as he started walking, someone called out to him.

"jisung... is that you?"

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