Happy Lowman

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I've been working at TM for almost a year and have become pretty close to everyone. Gemma is like another mother to me and I know I can talk to her about anything. It's the day before Valentine's Day and it's the one day of the year that I hate the most.

"Morning baby." Gemma says, walking into the office. "Morning Gem." I say. I walk over to the coffee pot and pour my second cup of coffee and grab her a cup while I'm there. "So, you got plans for tomorrow?" Gemma asks. "Oh, no. I don't." I tell her. "Why not?" she asked. "Gemma, Valentine's Day is the one day of the year that I hate." I tell her "Why's that?" she asked and I can hear the worry in her voice. "I see everyone else so happy and then here I am...alone. I hate Valentine's Day. It's bull shit." I tell her and wipe the tear that escaped, from my face. "Oh baby. Why don't you hang out with us? We're having a party tomorrow night." she tells me. "I don't think so. I'm just gonna hang at home." I tell her sadly.

I get home that evening and sit on the couch. My depression is rearing it's shitty head and I don't even feel like eating. I shower and then drown myself in a bottle of Jack for the night, dreading getting out of bed the next day.

The next morning, I pull myself out of bed and get dressed for work. Walking out the door, I get in the car and drive to TM . Walking into the office, I sit at my desk and start working but don't say anything to anyone unless I have to. I have been at work for a couple of hours when a delivery guy knocks on the office door. Gemma and I both look up and he says "Delivery for Tiffani Jenkins." I look at him shocked and see a beautiful arrangements of gladiolus with baby's breath. Gemma signs for them and he places them on my desk. Looking at the car it read "This year you aren't spending it alone. And it's signed with a smiley face. I look at the card shocked and Gemma looks over my shoulder and she has the same shocked look on her face.

A few minutes later, Happy walks into the office and Gemma excuses herself. "You sent me flowers?" I asked. "Yeah." he says and sits on the couch. "Thank you. But why?" I asked because I didn't think he even knew I existed. "Heard what you said to Gemma. No chick should hate the one day they should feel loved." he says. I walk over to the couch and sit beside him. He puts his hand on my knee and says "There's a party tonight. You're my date." I look at him and smile softly and say "I'd like that." He kisses the top of my head and says "I'll pick you up at your house at seven." before walking out the door. Gemma walks back in and says "Well?" I look at her with a smile and say "I have a date with the killer." She smiles and I can't help but smile more. Maybe this Valentine's Day won't be so bad.

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