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I couldn't believe I got roped into coming out with my co-workers for drinks after work when all I really wanted to do was go to the clubhouse, get drunk and forget all of my problems. Plus the man that I have been fawning over these last few months will be there. Although he has no clue I have feelings for him, I would still get to see him. But, no, I am stuck at this little bar with people that I see every day of the week having drinks and what makes it worse is that Jay is here. He has been asking me out for months and I keep telling him no. I keep telling him that I am not interested but he just doesn't get the hint when I am being blunt with himm. Sitting here, drinking my second beer, my phone buzzes with a text message from the aforementioned man I have been fawning over. Kozik.

K: What are you doing?

A: Drinks with co-workers. You?

K: Having run?

A: Not at all.

K: Why not?

A: This guy I work with keeps flirting with me and can't take a hint.

K: I'll be there in a few. Just play along.

Play along? What in the hell is he going to do? A few minutes later, Kozik walks in the door and sits next to me. Kissing me on the cheek he says "Sorry I'm late babe." He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him as I introduce him to everyone. "So, how do you know Anna here?" My boss, Jamie, asked. "Oh, she's my Old Lady." he tells them all and they all look shocked. We go one talking for a little longer and a slow song comes on. Kozik takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor. "That guy has not taken his eyes off of you." he whispers in my ear. "Don't shoot me." he says and before I can respond he kisses me. Not a peck on the lips but a slow, deep and passionate kiss. The kind that takes your breath away. When we come up for air, we are still close with our foreheads together and he asked me "Wanna get out of here?" I can only nod my head yes. Walking over to the table, I tell the others that we are calling it a night and Kozik tells them it was really nice meeting them all.

Twenty minutes later, I pull into my driveway and he parks his bike next to me. "Can we talk?" he asked. "Sure." I say as I unlock the door and let us into the house. "Are we okay?" he asked. "Uh, yeah, why?" I asked confused. "Because you have barely said anything to me since that kiss." he says. "Koz, I have a confession. I have this huge crush on you. I have since you patched Redwood. But I felt something in that kiss. I know you probably didn't but I did." I tell him and before I could say anything else, he kisses me again. When we break apart he says "I like you too. I want to see where this goes if you're okay with that." I look at him and a huge smile comes across my face and I say "I would love that."

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