Happy Lowman

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I've been working at TM for the last year and I love my job. I love the people that I work with. Chibs is like a dad to me. Walking into the office, he sits down on the couch. "Hey Sweetheart." he asked. "Hey Da. What's up?" I asked. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asked. "I thought I would. I thought I'd bring Jason." I tell him. "Finally get to meet the boyfriend?" he asked. "Yes but don't give him a hard time. He's not like you guys. He's a little more preppy." I tell him. "We'll be good." he tells me smirking. "No you won't." I tell him laughing. He kisses the top of my head and walks out to the garage to get to work.

At home, I'm doing my makeup when Jason says "You know I don't like you with makeup on. Who are you trying to impress?" he asked. "No one but myself. I like wearing makeup." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. "Why do we have to go to this party? Can't we just hang here?" he asked. "They're my family. I want you to meet them." I tell him. "Family?" he asked. "Yeah. I might work with them but they are more my family than my actual family." I tell him. He just sighs and says "Fine. Whatever." I turn to him and ask "Why don't you want to meet them?" he looks at me and says "It's not that I don't want to meet your family, it's just I don't want them looking at you with the way you dress." he tells me. "What's wrong with the way I dress?" I asked. "You're jeans are too tight. Your top is too. Put something else on." he tells me. "No. I like what I'm wearing. Thrust me, I'm dressed modestly compared to some of the girls that will be there." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, we get out of the car and head over to the table where some of the guys are. He laces his fingers with mine and says "We stay for an hour and then we're out of here." I just roll my eyes this time. Walking up to the picnic table, I see Tig and Happy in the ring. Sitting next to Chibs I say "Hey Da." He kisses my temple and says "Hey Sweetheart." He looks at Jason and I say "Da, this is my boyfriend Jason. Jason this is Chibs." I say. "Why do you call him Da?" Jason asked. "He's like a dad to me and Da is Gaelic for Dad." I tell him. He doesn't say anything. We watch the fight and I yell "Hit him Happy." knowing it will piss Tig off. Bobby and Opie get in the ring and break the fight up. Happy and Tig walk over and Tig asks "You really cheering for this asshole?" I smirk and say "I like Happy better." and start laughing when he feigns hurt. "Guys, this is my boyfriend Jason. Jason, this is Tig, Opie, Bobby and Happy." I say. "Hey man. Welcome to the party." Bobby says. Jason just nods.

We all are sitting around talking and laughing and Jason doesn't seem like he's having that much fun. A croweater walks over and hands us all fresh beers. "You don't need another." Jason tells me. "I've only had one." I tell him. "You don't need another." he repeats. I hand Happy the beer and we talk a little more before Jason speaks up. "It's been an hour. Let's go." I look at him and say "I'm not ready to go. I have a room here if you wanna go. I can crash here." I tell him. "No you aren't. You came with me, you leave with me." he tells me. We get up and I say goodbye to everyone.

Walking over to the car and on the way there he asks "You fucking that Happy guy?" I look at him shocked and say "No. I'm not. Why would you ask that?" I asked. "You sure liked cheering him on in the ring." he says. "I like watching the guys fight." I tell him. "Ladies don't like shit like that. Why can't you be more lady like?" he asked. I stop walking. "You know what? This isn't working. I'm not gonna change to be what you want. You go ahead and head home. I can get a ride in the morning." I tell him and start to walk back to the party. I feel him grab my arm and he turns me around. "No girlfriend of mine is going to act like a biker whore. You will let me take you home and you will stop hanging out with these people." he tells me. "Good thing I'm not your girlfriend anymore." I tell him, pulling away from him. He grabs my arm again and slings me towards the car. I lose my footing and land on the pavement. The guys come running over and Juice helps me up and I see Happy holding Jason by his throat against the car. Running over, I see Happy is almost nose to nose and I hear what he says. "You ever touch my girl again, I'll slit your Goddamned throat." I grab Happy's face and say "Hap, look at me. Hey, Happy, baby, look at me." I say again and he finally looks at me. "I'm okay. Let him go." I say as I start pushing Happy back. Without looking at Jason I say "You need to leave. Don't come near me again." My eyes don't leave Happy's. Jason leaves and I ask the guys "Can I get a minute alone with him please?" They all head back to the party and Happy turns to leave. I get in front of him and ask "What was that?" He stops and looks at me and says "He shoved you. I wasn't letting that shit slide." Cupping his face I asked "You called me your girl?" He looks at me like he just realized that I heard him. "You want me to be your girl?" I asked. "Yeah. I do." he says. I pull his face down to mine and I kiss his lips softly. "I want that too." I tell him. He looks at me for a minute and I say "Your girl wants to go back to the party Killa." Smirking, he puts me over his shoulder and carries me back to the party.

A little later, I'm at the bar and Happy is shooting pool with Juice when Chibs walks over. "You and Killa huh?" he asked. "Yeah Da." I say. "How'd that happen?" he asked. "When he had Jason against the car, he called me his girl." I tell him. "Good. At least I like this one." he says and I start laughing. "I'm glad Da. But now, it's time to take my man to bed." I tell him. Walking over to Happy I sit in his lap and kiss him softly. Whispering in his ear, I ask "You ready for bed Daddy?" Growling in my ear, he picks me up and without a word, he takes me to his dorm. Laying me on the bed, we start to kiss and then undress. He enters me slowly and we spend the rest of the night connecting. Before we drift off to sleep, he starts to rub the back of my neck. "Right here." he says. "What?" I ask, looking up at him. "My crow." he tells me and I just smile before snuggling into his side before falling asleep in his arms.

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