Happy Lowman

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I have been working at TM for six months now and since I have been here, I have been hopelessly in love with Happy Lowman. But Happy would never go for a girl like me. I'm five feet tall, long brown hair and about 130 pounds, so, yeah, I'm a thick girl. I spend most Friday nights at the clubhouse hanging with the guys. They are basically my family. Tig is my best friend and treats me like I'm his own kid and I'm grateful for him. I'm sitting in the office, finishing up the last of the day's paperwork when Tig walks in. "You coming to the party tonight?" Tig asked. "I don't know. Think I might just go on home." I tell him, not looking at him. "You should come hang with me for a while. Have a drink with your Old Man." he says. "Pop, I don't know." I say. "Why don't you just talk to him?" Tig asked. "Why? So he can laugh at me? You know he'd never be interested in me." I tell him. "Just come hang with me." Tig says. Sighing, I say "Fine."

After going home and changing, my makeup and hair are perfect. I head back to the clubhouse and walk in to see Tig and Chibs at the bar. "Hey Lass. You came." he says. "I didn't have much of a choice." I say, glaring at Tig. "You know you love your Old Man." Tig says, putting his arm around me. We sit around for a few and I look over and see Happy sitting on one of the couches with a croweater in his lap, making out. "I can't do this." I say and run out of the clubhouse.

I almost make it to my car before I feel a hand on my arm turning me around. "Where are you going?" Happy asked. "I'm going home." I say and turn to leave. "Why?" he asked. "I just keep walking. "I'm talking to you." he says before grabbing my arm again. Turning me to look at him he asked "Why?" Figuring I didn't have anything else to lose, I finally say what I've been scared to. "Fine, I'm leaving because I'm in love with you Happy and I can't handle seeing all those other women all over you knowing it will never be me. That what you want to hear?" I asked and he looks at me with no emotions showing. "That's what I thought." I say before getting into my car and going home.

Walking into my house, I walk over to the couch and sit down. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I begin to sob. I stiffen when I hear a bike pulling up. A couple of minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. Assuming it's Tig, I open the door. "Tig, I'm..." I stop when I see Happy standing there. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He doesn't say anything. Just looks at me. "Don't you have some croweaters to entertain?" I asked going to close the door but he stops me. "Not anymore." he says before grabbing my face and crashing his lips with mine. It takes a minute for me to realize what's happening but as soon as I do, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back just as hungrily. Picking me up, he carries me to the couch and lays me down. When we come up for air, he whispers, "I love you too little girl."

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