Opie Winston

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Destiny Winston

Sitting on the bench outside Teller Morrow Garage, I couldn't help but smile as I looked across the lot. It was just days ago that I had been told that my husband was getting an early release from Stockton prison.

He was coming home and I couldn't wait.

I had grown up with SAMCRO given that my father was one of the first 9. Seeing the men go away to prison was nothing new, in fact my father had gone away a few times before he sadly passed away. But seeing my husband go away was like being punched in the gut a hundred times.

Opie Winston had been one of my best friends growing up, along with Jax, and it wasn't until we were seventeen that we admitted to each other that we each wanted to be more than friends. From that day on we never strayed from each other.

When we were nineteen we had gotten married despite the judgement from the people of Charming. We knew that we belonged together no matter what.

"Mommy?" a small voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked down to see my five year old daughter, Anna, looking up at me with her beautiful brown curls flowing over her shoulders. She had been born just after Opie had been arrested so he couldn't be there for her birth, something which had been truly devastating.

He hadn't even been allowed to see or hold her while he was in prison because of who he was and what the club was known for. The DA and the prison officials had ruled against allowing him to see and hold her.

"Yes, baby?" I replied, smiling as I picked her up and placed her on my knee.

She looked up at me with an adorably shy look on her face, "what if Daddy doesn't like me?" she asked, breaking my heart.

"Daddy loves you," I explained to her. "He really wanted to meet you but some mean people wouldn't let him see you."

With a small smile she nodded and snuggled her head onto my shoulder. "When will Daddy be home?" she then asked.

I looked across the lot and spotted Gemma barking at some of the Crow Eaters as they prepared to welcome Opie home.

"Soon baby," I said smiling at the thought of having him home again. "Why don't we go and see Grandma Gemma?"

Anna nodded excitedly and wiggled her way off my lap before rushing across the lot and straight to Gemma who immediately picked her up.

Gemma smiled at me as I approached her. She gently placed Anna down on the ground and told her to go see if Lowell needed any help in the garage. Lowell immediately let her help him with the car he was fixing which made a happy grin appear on the little girls face.

"Clay called ten minutes ago," Gemma said with a smile. "They were just leaving Stockton so they should be here soon."

A large smile appeared on my face knowing that he would be home soon.

"Bet you'll be glad to have him home," she added.

"Definitely," I replied with a grin.

It had felt like an eternity had passed before we heard the familiar rumble of the bikes coming down the block. I shared a smile with Gemma before passing Anna to her so I could greet my husband first.

As they pulled into the lot I noticed the group of Crow Eaters come and stand outside of the clubhouse waiting for the men to return. I tore my eyes away from them and immediately spotted Opie's bike parking beside Jax's bike.

I had already started moving forward slowly when he took his helmet off and locked eyes with me. We both smiled happily at each other and I sped up into a run, heading straight for him.

Seconds later I was diving into his arms with a few tears slipping down my cheeks. "I missed you," I whispered, pulling back so I could look at him.

"I missed you too," he replied before pulling my lips to meet his as we stood oblivious to anything that was going on around us.

I pulled away from him as I remembered that there was a certain little girl who was waiting to meet him. Smiling, I turned around and nodded at Gemma who released my daughter from her grip.

Anna had been standing in front of Gemma bouncing excitedly with a big smile on her face. Gemma had been holding her in place so Opie and I could have a moment together before she met her father.

The little girl shot across the lot faster than I had ever seen her move before and ran straight into my arms. I picked her up in my arms and I could see Opie's eyes welling with tears as he looked at his daughter in front of him.

"Hi Daddy," Anna said, any doubts clearly gone as she smiled at him excitedly.

A tear slipped out of Opie's eye as he reached a hand out to touch his daughter's cheek. He held her head in his hand as they both stared at each other.

"Hi," he whispered as he stared at her in amazement.

I watched as a smile grew on Anna's face and she reached out to her father, wanting to be in his arms. Opie quickly took her into his arms and held her close to him in a hug, closing his eyes for a moment as he allowed the feeling to sink in.

He opened his eyes and immediately pulled me in to share the hug. I smiled in content as I stood in my husband's arms with our daughter in between us.

He was finally home and I couldn't have been more happy.

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