"Remember the girl I said I saw in the window," They nod there head, ''Well she's with us right now"

They looked around like they could actually see me, "What does she look like?", one of the guys ask.

"Well she's around my height,  with L/h c/h hair and she's dressed in somethng white but I'm not able to really see what is was but all I know it's white. Black hair guy faned the camera over the picture of me and my family. The lady joined him, she pointed to me in the frame, "That's her.''

"That's Y/n, she was the eldest daughter to the three kids.", Blonde dude said, "Guys she couldn't of known who she was, we never told her anything or showed her any pictures." I really wanted to know who they were, as if the girl could hear me, she talked.

"I'm Amanda, the guy with black hair is Colby and the blond one is Sam. Kat is the girl with pink hair." Amanda spoke. While she did, I saw my brother peak his head out from around the corner. I smiled at him and went after him, like old times. After awhile I headed back to the group to only find one of the shadows in the room with them. I could tell Amanda was watchin it making sure it didn't do anything. I must of ran awhile with George because they had already toured the whole house.

"Alright now that we went through the house, lets start our investigation." Sam said, then put his hand infront of the camera. They moved outside to see if they could catch my mother. Sam started talk, he must be talking to the camera because he had Colby holding it pointed at him. "Right now we are outside were it was said that the kids burried there mother here. She is known for being outside or in the room she died in." Sam grabbed the camera from Colby and flipped it towards him.

"We brought out the K2 and the rempod, we don't know if these will work but we need to try," Colby said. Kat was holding what colby said was the 'K2'. Then they placed the 'rempod' by the gravestone that was placed for our mother. I looked around to see if my mother was out here but I didn't see her. I looked to the window of her room and I didn't see her, she must be hiding. My brother came out and joined us. Amanda noticed.

"Is there a ghost of a little boy here?" She asked the group.

"Yeah, isn't there a little boy that lived here?" Colby asked Sam, pointing the camera at him.

"George is the little boy, Y/n's little brother. He died here after being hit by car, why?'' Sam told Amanda. Colby turned the camera back towards Amanda.

"I just seen a little boy come out here, and I could tell it was a child." Amanda answer Sam's question. While they talked about my brother, I watched him walk over to the rempod. He reached towards the thing sticking out of hit. We both jumped when we heard it start to beep. Colby quickly turned the camera towards it.

"Is this Rose? Y/n's mother?" Sam asked, I realized then that they are using it as a yes or no. No one touched it because our mother wasn't out her, "Maybe it's not her?"

I stepped towards the rempod and touched it like my brother, answering his question, "So it's not the mother", I touched it again. I could tell they were excited to see they were getting answers. This countined for a little bit, I stopped giving answer, it started getting boring. I was heading back inside passing by Kat as the K2 lit up. So thats what it does.
Sam asked another yes or no question, "Do you want us to go inside?" I went near it again as a yes. They listened and packed up there gear.

I watch them go through the house, our mother answered a few, my brother liked playing around with the equipment. They figured out my brother loved to play around. I went downstairs and went into the living room. Soon I heard them come closer to the room. They were talking about the estes method, I heard a lot of people talk about this when there around. I watch Sam and Colby do rock, paper, scissors.  Sam lost so he had to go first. Since there was a rocking chair in the room, Sam sat there. They explained to them what there doing. I decided one more time to try to tell them I need help. Sam went under and the rest asked questions. At first they didn't get anything because I wasn't trying yet.

"Can you give us a hint on who you are?" Colby asked. Sam repeated every word I said.(Whatever Sam says it's what you said)


"Who was the one how got sick?" Kat asked Colby. He was thinking then said, "Y/n died from being sick, is this Y/n we are talking to?''


"Why are you still here?" Colby asked. Amanda just sat in silence wrighting things down.


"Do you need help" Amanda finally asks.


"Are you trapped here?" Kat asks.


"Want to leave"

"So what I'm getting is Y/n is stuck here and she wants to leave," Colby starts to sumarized, "Why do you wanna leave?"


"Did he just say demons?!" Kat was now nervous. Waitingh for the nexr question, I watch one of the shadows come into the room. It started towards Kat, knowing she's the weakessed one of the group. I yell at it to leave, not knowing Sam heard me.


''Why do you want us to leave?'' Colby asked, I still watched the shadow. Before I could tell them it wasn't them I wanted to leave, Amanda answed for me.

"She's not talking to use, theres something here that isn't human."

"Well thats totally reasuring," Colby joked, trying to lighten the mood.


"Sam just said kill, this don't seem like Y/n." Kat stats, it wasn't the shadow was stronger then normal because of Amanda being here. Amanda could tell what was happening and she started to talk.

"You are not allowed to touch us, you are to leave us alone. We hold power over you, you have lived and reside here." While she was talking I could tell the shadow was slowly leaving, using want I could I push it out of the room.

"Is it still here?" Kat asks, Amanda shakes her head. They turn back to asking questions. Soon they realized I couldn't leave and I needed help. They brought Sam back and told him what happened when they were done Amanda started talking towards me.

"You are able to leave, I free you from this place and everything that's keeping you." I felt free, before I left I made sure Amanda heard me say thank you.


      I watch as Y/n tells me thank you and leaves. I was so gratful that I was able to help. I could tell she's tried other times when people were here but they never understood. I turned back to the guys and Kat.

"Is she still here?" Sam asks.

"Not anymore," I told him. They asked me why she wanted to leave, "You know the story, so after she died she was stuck here and couldn't leave making her stuck with all of the things that haunted her. She didn't need to worry about her brother because he could come and go. Her father didn't change back to the way he used to be, before he died, which cause more pain to her and more responsiblity for the people who came here. She made sure before she left to say thank you."

"So she finally got sent to a happy place"


A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I have had writers block and couldn't figure out what to write until today.
I'm still looking for any ideas you would like me to write. Anyways I hope you have a great rest of your day and remember you are loved!

Sam and Colby X reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant