Chapter 13

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After I told everyone about Y/N and our family, Colby and me went to go check on Y/N. We looked in the kitchen first which is were I saw Y/N go, but she wasn't there, so we looked in her room, she wasn't there. We checked the house, we couldn't find her, I called Kat to ask if Y/N was with her, but she said no, so now shes on her way over. I ask the house if they had seen her, they all said no. Now eveyone was freaking out. When Kat finally arived, the house was a mess, everyone was running around freaking out.

"STOP!!" Kat yelled, which made everyone stop, they were afraid of Kat when she was like this, "Calm down I know where she is, everyone get in two cars and follow me, no questions.......NOW" She yelled becauses no one was moving but every got into two car, me, Kat, and Colby in one and Jake, Elton, Araon, and Corey in the other. Kat started driving with the rest follow us. 10 minutes later we arived at a farm? I didn't belive Y/N would be here until I saw her on a horse, I started freaking out because she could get hurt and she has never riden before. Before I could get out of the car, Kat stopped me, "Sam calm down just get out and watch, ok trust me" I could tell she knew something I didn't. We all got out of the 2 cars and watched Y/N.


I enter the gate. I could feel Rue wanting to go. When I was ready, I let her go, we ran to the first barrel with perfection. The second barrel wasn't as perfect as the first, but at least we didn't knock. The third barrel came up fast, soon we were around it. I let her loose, my hand was really close to her ears, letting her have full control. I slowed her down near the fence. I could hear Rylee cheering for me. I had a huge smile on my face, I missed riding. I give Rue a pat on the neck, and told her 'good job'. When I finally look up I noticed that there was more people here than I relized, and when I looked closer I noticed it was my brother, Kat and everyone else. I gave them a nervous smile and a small wave. That's when Rylee noticed them too.

"That your friends?" Rylee asks me, I was to in shocked that they were here to form words, so I just nod.

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