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Y\N Golbach, Sam's younger sister, was kept a secert from everyone but Sam. You left home when you were 15 years old. You left because of you parents, they expected you to be a perfect child. You were smart, about Tony Stark smart, but your parents wanted a pretty child not a smart one. So when you left you stayed at a friends house, her name was Katrina or Kat as you would call her, she moved from Canada. You loved horses so you ended up getting horseback riding lessons from a family friend.
Sometime, around 3 years later, Kat had to move to LA, so you left with her and ended up getting a job as a assistant for a local company. You found out your older brother lived in LA, but thought he didn't remeber you so you didn't go see him. You got a seprat apparment away from Kat and closer to your work. You usally walked to work, as you didn't have enough money for your own car.
As you worked more and more you and Kat started to split apart. A few years later your boss fired you because you made to many misstakes and came late to work almost every other day. You didn't have enough money to keep up your rent with your apartmant so you got kicked out. You were walking on the streets for a few days it was pretty bad as it was the winter season, you thought about calling Kat but didn't know if you two were still friends. So you ended up staying on the streets for about a week, before you tried to get into contact with your brother.

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