His chest feels extremely stuffed and heavy. There's something wrapped tight around his head making it hard for Yunho to frown at the discomfort around his body. He opens his eyes slowly to adjust his pupils to the bright light above him. Small room, open blinds and a strong odour of antiseptic. Observing his surroundings left to right, Yunho has one thing in his mind he could reassure himself with,

He's alive.

That motorcycle crash was truly one of the scariest experiences he had ever been through in his life. Before this, accidentally crossing the edge line was the last thing Yunho anticipated to happen to him while riding on an open road, let alone crashing into a pole. What could have bothered him so much to the point that it made him lose control over his bike?

The ring.

The ring. The ring. The ring.

Yunho pushes himself up only to be restrained by a long wire coming out of the bandage around his arm. He uses his good hand to punch the emergency button and two nurses run inside to see what was the issue. They must have paged the doctor beforehand at the knowledge of Yunho's consciousness since the doctor comes them in just a moment later. They gently hold him back down to check his vitals and whatnot, meanwhile the doctor is busy asking questions and flashing the torch into his eyes.

Afterwards, Yunho's parents rush in after receiving a call and go to him to give hugs and kisses and words of how relieved they are that he's awake and okay. They tell the doctor how thankful they were for saving their son then continues to ask Yunho if he's hungry, or hurt, or if he needed to go to the toilet. But all Yunho wants is to see the man who kept his ring in that plastic pouch and get it back. He asks his parents about it, yet all they care about is how important it was for him to rest. Without that ring, Yunho is restless.

His mum decides to call his friends in hopes that they would know what to do with Yunho's endless complaints. Mingi, San and Wooyoung show up at the hospital with a fruit basket and greet Yunho only to be asked the same question from him. Luckily, Mingi takes out that clear plastic pouch with the ring safely inside from his bag, in which Yunho tries to snatch it but fails.

"The doctor says it is not recommended that you wear accessories while you're bedridden," Mingi says, placing the fruit basket on a small table beside the bed.

"Fine. But let me keep it."

"Where? In your bag?" Wooyoung sort of teases, but the room somehow turns silent when he said so.

Yunho looks around for his stuff. "So... Where is my bag and my phone and...?"

His mum exhales, shaking her head. "Most of your things are ruined from the crash, including your phone. They found your bag squashed under your bike and everything inside it was damaged."

Yunho's mouth falls open as he stares at everyone around him. "I-It must have just been the screen right? It can be fixed right?"

"Your phone's irreparably in shreds. You've gotten yourself into quite a serious accident, Yunho-ya." San adds, a painful expression formed in his eyes. "At least you're okay. We were so worried about how you've been in a coma for the past two weeks."

"But... The bike." Yunho begins to panic. "What about the bike? Did I damage it-?"

"You don't have to worry about the bike. I got it all covered." His dad also steps in. "Yunho, you're gonna have to go through a long phase of recovery. The stitch on your head is still healing, you broke both an arm and a leg and your heart's not pumping normally. And about the bike, we can always buy a new one. So as the phone. The important thing is that you get better."

"Dad, I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault, son." Mr Jeong smiles.

"Ehem, Mr and Mrs Jeong. A word please?" The doctor interrupts their talk and walks out of the ward with Yunho's parents who nod at Yunho before they leave.

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