Chapter 7

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Kokushibo's pov

After an hour or so, Lord Muzan was very tired but refused to sleep when I  convinced him to. I know, I shouldn't order my Lord but he should be taking care of himself especially after what he just went through. "Lord Muzan rest upon so you can build up your energy atleast" I simply told him, though I was getting irritated. I hate that I get irritate easily when someone keeps on repeating the same thing, and here I am getting a little annoyed but kept to myself.

Lord Muzan kept quiet, maybe thinking what I told him and it made me worried. Did I angered him? Was my words like an order to him? Or did I, a lowly demon commended My Lord?

"None of those......angered me....Upper One" Muzan whispered enough for me to hear him, each words paused because he was weakened. If it didn't angered him or anything, he still needs to rest. I didn't say a word to him because I was sure that he had already read my mind, I walked closer to him and pressed his shoulder pushing his body down the mattress.

Of course Lord Muzan had let out a groan, well the pain was very painful compared to getting hit from a weak slayer. "Say no words My Lord...... you should rest" I told before his mouth even open "After you recover, seek for my misbehavior towards you" I stood, looking at Lord Muzan who kept quiet.......quiet? I don't like that, did I really angered him now? No....I shouldn't think such thoughts, maybe he is trying to recover using his regeneration.

I walked out of my room, leaving Lord Muzan to himself so he could probably recover or take some rest but before I closed the door, I took a last glance at him, he looks concerned. Maybe it has to be related to the research or the pain but his face was lightly red, now that was surprising. Thought I didn't mind about it, I just closed the door and walked off. Simply wanting to spent my time under the moons gaze, its admirable I can say.

The times I spent felt quick because the sky was slowly turning its dark night sky to orange yellowish colour, a single to return to my house. Thought I won't stay in for long, once the sun passes the mountain.

I walked in to see Lord Muzan checking my properties that was kept at the shelf. "Interesting stuffs you have Upper One, really organized and very neat" Lord Muzan turned his head, I nob and closed the door before any sun rays enter in. "How do you feel?" Ya.... that was bold of me to ask but the days we met made me become bold of myself, either asking or ordering Lord Muzan. "Fine now, this is nothing anyway......I just have to get used to it and all is well" The words spoken each were sounding painful, I am guessing he has yet to recover.

"I don't need to recover now, I have things to attain and don't dare force me......I didn't say a word about what you did the night since you helped me, so appreciate it" Lord Muzan darted cold, murderous glare at me. And I, bowed, to never ever do it again. "I apologise, I have lately been ordering you"

Muzan's pov

Yes I am angry, yes I hated that I realised I have been feeling this weird connection towards Upper One and yes I wanted to forget I realised about it.

"I will take my leave once the sun sets" I have to go back to those family, And I need an excuse to tell them where I had been. "The sun will pass the mountain in few hours, so you don't need to stay long" Upper One mentioned before walking to his room.

I let out a sighed, taking a stroll around his house, it felt comforting? I want to forget this feelings..... Just how did I end up getting this nasty feelings for him, this........this Love? But I have so less information about love anyway. Maybe it is an attraction, I will lose it after some time or years.

I heard the sound of water splashing, is he taking a bath? Now If I think about it, I needed a bath too..... Its disgusting carry germs, anyway he wouldn't mind if I joined him........ joined him this words made my face burning.

It's an attraction! Get it in your head...

I let out soft breathy air and took my step towards his room, its alright, we are both men and it is nothing new, I had seen him half naked during that time. Then I remembered, his body which was surrounded by the ponds water, staring at the sky.... His well build body an-

"Lord Muzan?"

I had not realised that my thoughts were so deep that I walked upon Upper One, who was already in the water. "I-...." My words was a whisper "It wouldn't bother you if I join?" I stared at the side of Upper One, thought one of my eye looking at his middle one.

There had been a pause and it has been quiet for 6 minutes, atleast.. I think. "I simply need to bath, I won't invade your privacy for now until then" I feel stupid maybe but I can tell I regret asking this..... Did I ever regret something though? If I try to remember, no. I had never regret things but this, this makes me feel regretting the choice of asking whether I can join or not.

Upper One nob his head. He agreed!? I let out a sighed of relief. Ya, I felt relieved and its strange I am getting this new feelings just from being around him.

I closed the door before stripping myself, but before I did fully strip, Upper One turn around giving some privacy to me to strip and I like it, my clothes were lying near my feet then I walked towards the water and put my feet underneath it. Feeling the coolness, pleasurable it feels.

Half my lower body was cover by the water, it feels relaxing..... I closed my eyes, wanting to rest it for a few seconds then I opened them.

Upper One's body...... Its so well build and the muscles that's bulging makes him look overly handsome, his hair is also down which I just noticed. Ahh.... One thing I hate about him is his height, his so tall. His height is literally 190 cm (6'3) while mine is 179 (5'10/6'0)

"Lord Muzan?" I stuttered from my thoughts. I was staring at him for quite long and I hadn't realised it. "Can you give me the soap" I quickly tried changing his mind about me, to distract him from something else.

He gave me the soap, though he left the room since he was done bathing. I was quite disappointed about it, maybe next time. Maybe....


There will be changes in the povs which I forgot to mentioned.
Anyway, I am hardly having time to write because of school and also because of me getting sick 😑 I have low immunity...
Most of the chapters will be 3pov but sometimes others pov

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