Chapter 6

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3rd pov

'Its been long, I hadn't went to that forest. And this feeling has been stuck with me for a while now' Muzan thought, who was in his child form or disguise. "Nakime" Was all he said to be teleported to the forest, Nakime really knows where people want to go that's for sure.

Muzan roam around the forest incase he ever find the blue spider lily but every step he takes, his heart beat starts to fasten. And he doesn't know which heart is beating fast, because his mind keeps on thinking about Kokushibo. Who lives in this very forest 'Not this again.... Why is it, I feel like this when I image of him or anything about him' Muzan was fed up of his mind, who keeps on lingering to Kokushibo.

Each steps he takes, fireflies comes out of nowhere and the insects singing to one another, finding a female to have a family with. Then there he was, at the pond he had encounter with Kokushibo and he could see him sitting on the very same tree not far from his sight. "It's a pleasure meeting you Upper One" Kokushibo bowed to his Lord "Pleasure is mine, Lord Muzan"

It was surprising though, Muzan had suddenly appeared at the forest which Kokushibo didn't know why, he thought his Lord won't appeare on some specific areas especially his place. But he can't argue to him "If you won't mind Lord Muzan, why did you come to this very forest?" Muzan himself knew Kokushibo might ask this question "I had taken a liking to this forest, its mesmerizing and the sun doesn't appeares quite often...... Am I right?"

"Yes Lord Muzan, I agree"

They both stared at each other, unable to form words or to say anything more like to start a conversation but for Kokushibo, it would be weird. Talking to his Superior would make others think it's rare and disrespectful, especially when Muzan is a King but not any simple King, he is the Demon King and a very powerful one indeed. 'That feeling again..... its strange and how can I to discover it when my mind is stuck at him' Muzan glanced at the pond, feeling his face burning slightly.

Kokushibo noticed his face and said "My Lord, you look different?" It was a strange, really strange because His Lord has been acting very different. Very human like? He can't tell. "We do not speak about me......Upper One" Muzan sharply glared at Kokushibo but soften a little, he doesn't know why. "I  deeply apologise for my misbehavior" Kokushibo scolded to himself, thinking what capacity did he had to talk or ask about His Lord's appearance.

"No need, it was a slight mistake and you had never disappointed me anyway" Muzan nob to Kokushibo who had read his mind to not think himself as a horrible Kizuki. "You earned that title centuries ago and you should have respect with it and make the lowly Demons respect y-.....Ahgg?!!" Muzan cut of his words when he felt a sudden pain around his body 'The effects had to show up now?! What a great timing!!!' He scowled at himself but clutch to his arms and kneel down, throwing up small noises of pain.

'What...... why is My Lord kneeling?' Kokushibo was shocked, but had return to his current state when he heard small noises of pain if it wasn't of Muzan who was few meters near him. "My Lord?" He felt worried due to seeing Muzan in this state. He walked towards Muzan and kneel down near him, Kokushibo could see his some of his cells exploding. "Lord Muzan......your cells-" Kokushibo stopped his words when he felt a hand firmly holding his kimono "Lord Muzan, I sincerely apologise for the actions I am going to use" He stated before picking up Muzan in bridal style.

Muzan froze for a second when he felt himself being lifted, it was Kokushibo who had lift him and was carrying him and walked to a house that was standing at the side of the pond. Probably where he spends his morning underneath the house.

The walk towards the house felt so fast, maybe because Muzan was distracted from the pain. "Hng-" Was all Muzan let out before his attention was drown back to the pain. This would continue for atleast an hour and half, sometimes it ends quickly.


Late update Ik- but what to do. I got distracted because of Harry Potter..
Ya... nvm, I suddenly felt like reading the book so I got distracted bc of it and also I lost motivation but forced myself, since because when I start writing something I won't leave it.
Like I would try to complete it until I finish it, its like a therapy

The story is short 😞 Greatly disappointed


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