Chapter 33 - Two painful sides

Start from the beginning


Smg4 keeps holding on Mario tightly while shaking violently.


Mario looks back at him shaking in fear.

Mario: Mario is ready to leave!

He starts to run to the door to leave while carrying Smg4 but it slams shut before they get there. Mario starts hitting the door in a panic while screaming.


Smg4 starts to have panic attacks as he doesn't want to look at the haunted house anymore by burying his face on Mario's neck. He whispers himself quietly and fearfully

Smg4: Please Meggy and hun...come back soon...please..please..please.-

Meanwhile back at where Smg3 and Meggy are, the fairy is finishing the dust to heal Meggy.

???: There you go my dear friend, she healed up very well~

Smg3 checks on Meggy.

Smg3: Meggy? Are you feeling better?

Meggy wakes up and looks at Smg3 looking brighter.

Meggy: I feel great! Thanks for helping me get here!

She looks over at the fairy.

Meggy: Thanks for healing me!

???: It was a pleasure my dear~ To answer your question my grumpy one, my name is Celeste, The Queen of Pixie Dust and it was a honor to help your little friends with your journey~

Smg3 smiles back.

Smg3: It was nothing, can't have an injured calamari walking around in our adventure right?

His smiles fade away when he feels pain inside his brain. He holds his head for a second while hissing in pain. Meggy looks over at Smg3 and sees him in pain.

Meggy: Smg3 are you ok?

Celeste: Oh my!~ Are you okay grumpy one?~

Smg3: My meme guardian is tingling a lot that it hurts. Ack!

He still holds his head on as he tries to communicate with Smg4 but no response.

Smg3: I think Smg4 and Mario are in danger. Ngh I need to teleport them here but I don't know how-

Smg3 screams in pain while trying to stay strong. Meggy looks at him worried.

Meggy: Do you think you can teleport us to them or maybe Celeste could help you teleport them here?

Celeste: What I can do is ease the pain away with the pixie dust~ Grumpy one, you must focus on getting your friends back with your power~

She prepares a pixie dust quickly while Smg3 takes a deep breath and sits down. The fairy finishes and spreads the pixie dust on him.

Celeste: Well do you feel less pain now?~

Smg3: K-Kinda but better. Lemme try to focus on getting them back here.

Smg3 is focusing hard while using his meme power then suddenly a light beam appears as seeing Mario holding on to a frightening Smg4. Meggy watches in amazement until she sees Mario and Smg4 and runs over to them and feels happy.

Meggy: Mario! Smg4! Glad you two are okay!

Smg4 hears Meggy's voice then looks at her with a smile.

Smg4: Meggy! Glad you're okay! Me and Mario were stuck in a haunted house and it was too spooky for us!

Smg3: Well that explains my huge headache because of you idiot.-

Smg4 looks at Smg3 then at Mario while noticing he's still holding on Mario in bridal style. Mario is still screaming in fear until he notices they are no longer in the haunted house. He looks around for a bit confused and then sees Meggy. Mario drops Smg4 and runs over to his best friend then hugging her while crying.

Mario: Mario is so happy to see you're okidoki! Mario was really worried!

Meggy hugs him back.

Meggy: Hey Red, I'm happy that you saved too! If it weren't for Smg3, I don't know if I could have made it here before I passed out!

Smg4 hits the ground with a "oof" sound.

Smg4: Geez thanks Mario..ow my ass..

Celeste: I'm glad that everyone is alright and happy ~ Good job using your power wisely my grumpy one~

Smg3: Yeah yeah it was nothing. Also how did you end up in a haunted house?

Smg3 helps Smg4 get up by giving him a hand. Mario lets Meggy go and looks over at his best friend's lover.

Mario: We were looking for a place to stay and found a spooky abandoned house! Very scaryyy! We looked around and the door slammed shut, trapping us!

Smg3: And you forgot that your own best friend hates spooky stuff? Shame on you Mario. Guess we're going back to the treehouse once again-

Smg4: It's Mario so of course he forgot everything about his friends.

Smg3: I'm just glad my headache is gone.

Celeste: May I send you guys back to the treehouse for rest?~ I do want to try something with new pixie dust on my favorite visitors as a thank you~

Mario looks over at his meme guardians sadly.

Mario: Mario thought that it would not be that bad when Mario first saw it. Mario is sorry!

Meggy pats his shoulder.

Meggy: It's ok Mario.

She looks over at Celeste.

Meggy: Thanks again Celeste, I believe we are ready to go back to the treehouse!

Celeste: Glad to hear that~ As a reward, I will send some pixie dust on your flowers my dear boys!~ Each pixie dust includes healing power and other is love~ Use it wisely on your journey and I wish you guys the best of luck!~ Oh also it's a test so not sure if it's 100% correct~

Celeste giggles and sprinkles pixies dust to the meme guardians flowers on their ears while blowing kisses to everyone back to the treehouse. While arriving to the famous treehouse, Smg3 notices Smg4 isn't with them.

Smg3: Uhhh where's Smg4??

He looks around for any sign of his lover. 

Author's note:  I hope you enjoy the newest chapters so far! Tell me which chapter is your favorite? There will be more coming soon for sure!! ^^

Also I created the character Celeste! I hope you like her too! I drew her as well! c:

Stay tune for more silly adventures with SMG4 crew! <3

Stay tune for more silly adventures with SMG4 crew! <3

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