Chapter 49: Christmas

Start from the beginning

"All the single ladies!" We yelled, "All the single ladies! All the single ladies! Now put your hands up!

Fred walked into the room and heard me yell the lyrics, he came in and paused the music, and looked at me with a confused expression.

"Put your hands goddam down!" He said, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with you?" I replied, crossing my arms.

"You're singing this a little personal like 'All the single ladies put your hand's up', put your shits down!"

"It's a song, Fred!"

"Did you- Did you forget I'm your boyfriend?"

"Did you forget you didn't put a ring on it? So technically, I am single."

"Ohhhh, that's what we're doing, that's w- You're not Beyonce!" Fred said, "You're Y/n Andromeda Lupin! You didn't make this shit."

At this point, Ginny, Hermione, and I were all laughing.

"You just said my middle name!" I added.

"No, no," he said at the same time, then added, "Mhmm"

"Play my song!"

"No!" Fred said, even though he was laughing now. I stepped forward and played the rest of the song.

All four of us just started laughing at the scene and Fred pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"How about we go to the roof, we can watch the stars?" He asked.

"Yes! Let's go!" I smiled, he laced my hand in this and we walked out of the room and up the stairs to the roof. We lay down on the roof and started looking up at the sky, it was oddly clear that night and some stars can be seen

"Merry Christmas, Y/n." He whispered.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Freddie." I replied.

"I realised just before I walked in earlier, we haven't exchanged gifts yet!" Fred said nonchalantly.

"Let's do it now! It's the perfect place." I suggested, looking up at the stars that are shining in the bright sky.

"Who first?" Asked Fred.

"Me!" I said excitedly, pulling a small box out of a pocket in my hoodie, "I know it's not much, but Merry Christmas my love."

Fred pulled the ribbon on the box and ripped off the orange tissue paper revealing a small navy box. He lifted the lid on the box was a small necklace with a small bar. The bar pendant had our initials on it on a long chain, it was clean gold and the chain was made of small spheres all connected by a thin wire.

"Oh wow! Darling, I love it! Thank you so much!" He said, pulling me into a tight embrace, planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so glad you like it, let me put it on for you." I replied, he took the necklace out of the box and handed it to me, I unclasped the latch and put it around his neck to fasten it. Once it was on, Fred admired it and I realised that the silver bar rested directly on his heart.

"Is it my turn now?" Fred asked, still admiring his gift.

"Yes, it is!" I replied happily

"Before I give you this, I just want to say..." Fred started, "You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're beautiful, kind, and the love of my life. And I have absolutely no doubt that I want to marry you one day. But I know that we are too young, so I hope you like this..."

He handed me a small box wrapped in purple with a blue bow, I pulled the bow off and carefully took off the wrapping paper to show a gold square box. I lifted the lid to see a rose gold and copper ring, it was encrusted with small diamonds and the metal formed a heart at the top, with a larger triangle diamond in the middle.

"Oh my Merlin, Freddie!" I screamed, "It's beautiful!"

"It's a promise ring, that I promise that I will marry you one day."

"I'll be honoured to marry you one day!" I happily said.

"Let me put it on for you!" He said, he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto the middle finger of my left hand, I admired the ring in the moonlight, it glimmered and gleamed under the stars.

"I love it, Freddie! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. I love you, Y/n Lupin." He smiled

"I love you more, Fred Weasley. I can't wait to marry you!"

Fred and I smiled at each other, we leaned forward and we spent the night kissing and cuddling under the stars...

Word Count: 2100

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