"Is there any place you missed? Let's search again. Also, inform everyone in the group." I commanded as calmly as I could, patting Armano in the back, I took off. 

My feet first took me to the terrace, in case she was there. But there was no sign of her. Then I looked into every room there was at the third floor. From the Gym to the library, I didn't skip any place but to no avail. There was not even a ghost of her presence.

With every empty room, my hands shook, and my heart thumped loudly against my chest. 

'You need to stay calm, Angelo. She must be somewhere here.' I tried to calm my fear and panic, while gaslighting myself into believing that she must be fine. She has to be.

"I couldn't find her anywhere in the house." I announced, approaching everyone in the living room.

"Fuck. Fuck. Where did she go? I pray to heavens if something happens to her, I will kill anyone who dared to even glance her way." Lorenzo snapped, pulling out his hair in frustration and agitation.

"Did you call Dante or Vince?" I asked, clenching and unclenching my fists.

"They are not picking the calls up. Fucking hell." Nicolo shakily whispered, breathing heavily while pacing around the room in hysteria. 

"We don't even know how long she has been gone. What if something happens to her? We just got her back. Bloody hell!" Armano uttered in distress, while he kept trying to call someone, who I assume is either Dante or Vince.

Our attention was captured by the ringing of doorbell and every one of us ran to the door. It was Nicolo who reached the door first and opened it. When I saw who it was, my lungs could finally breathe. Soon, that calm was replaced by anger and agitation directed at the girl walking away into the room, ignoring us like we were not even there.

"Where the fuck were you?" I yelled furiously, following her into the living room.

"Shut up, you will scare my Whiskey." She whispers yelled at me, shooting daggers through her eyes. 

My eyes snapped to the little creature snuggling in her arms, its head moving here and there taking everything around it. 

"What the fuck is that?" Lorenzo scrunched his face in disgust, looking at the kitten with a scowl and wariness like it carries some disease.

"It has a name and a gender. He is my Whiskey." Vanessa scowled, putting extra emphasis on the pronouns 'he'.

"I don't care about its name or gender. Why is that thing in our house?" Lorenzo scoffed, glaring at the kitten.

"It's his temporary house now." Vanessa responded, stroking its head.

"What do you mean temporary?" Nicolo asked, looking at the kitten with hearts in his eyes. For a guy with a scarily large built, he certainly doesn't act like his appearance. 

"It means he will move out when I move out." She grumbled, sitting on the couch.

"Here is your kid's stuff, your highness." Marco sassily uttered, entering the living room carrying two huge bags in his arms. He then put them on the couch besides her.

"Sister? Where were you?" Armano asked, his tone soft like he was scared to speak loudly.

"She went to see her friends." Instead of Vanessa, it was Marco who answered.

"And you didn't think it was important to inform us?" I snapped at him, still angry from earlier.

"I mean I did tell Dante. Where else did you think she got the money to buy those stuff for the kitten?" Marco shrugged, unaware of our panic.

"Fuck this. It's only been a day with you, and you are already ruining our fucking lives. Just crawl back the damn hole you came from." I shouted at her, and instantly regret the words that I spewed out when she stops scratching the cat and glanced up, meeting my eyes.

"I did try that once, but I am not allowed back there." Her eyes were as cold as yesterday, and her face void of any emotions. I couldn't even guess what she was thinking or feeling at the moment.

But her words struck a chord with me. What does she mean by that? The words imply many things at once and I don't know for sure what actually is the meaning behind them.

"Sorella, what do you mean by that?" Nicolo asked, sitting beside her. She didn't pay any attention to him and got up. She looked at Marco and said, "Carry those for me, will you?"

When she took the kitten and reach the stairs, she didn't turn back but we could hear the words she said next perfectly.

"You won't be able to interpret my words because you are not meant to know a single bloody thing about me. We might share the same blood, but it doesn't make you my family and it never will."

Her words were a punch to my heart. That's what I wanted though, wasn't it? I wanted her to despise me, and she does, I could see the loathe she looked at me with. But if it's really what I aimed for, then why does I hear my heart shattering into pieces.

She doesn't see us like we see her. We might see her as our sister but for her, we are strangers who she could care less about. Knowledge of that hurt.

"You are a dick, you know?" Lorenzo tsked, bumping into my shoulder intentionally as he leaves.

"Why don't you crawl back to the place where you were thrown out of?" Nicolo snapped, walking closer towards me.

"I want to punch you in the face so bad, but I am not like you." He spat, his fist turning white from tightly gripping the collar of my shirt. It took all his self-control to stop himself from hitting me before he shoved me away and ran upstairs.

My eyes, filled with shame and regret, found my twin's, who was looking at me with pity and disappointment.

"What you said was wrong. Angelo she is our sister. We are supposed to keep her protected from all the bad things and not become a thing that she needs protection from. I really love you brother; you are my twin. But if you keep behaving like this, I won't let you go anywhere near her and let you hurt her. Please, for her sake, sort whatever this is. She needs a brother, not a person to hate." He didn't raise his voice, nor did he threatened to hurt me, but it was the sheer disappointment and pain in his tone that stabbed my heart.

With a comforting pat on my back, he left me alone to drown in the misery I caged myself around.

Fuck, I messed up; I messed up real bad.


A/N:- Heyo lovelies!

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Take care 💕 byee!!

Lots of love,
(Insta~ ms_cornsalad.)


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