Sirius is sitting on his chair, silently crying into Remus' shoulder while Remus rubs his back soothingly.

"I know we're all giving ourselves some sort of fault for this, but listen. This is nobody's fault, but Dumbledore's. As soon as I'm back at Hogwarts I will find away to get into the dungeons, even if I have to get past Filch and his hideous cat!" I say with conviction and the rest of the group nods, even Kreacher.

"If young Master be needing Kreacher's help, young Master can call Kreacher any time and Kreacher will dispose of slimy squib!" Kreacher shows a row of sharp little teeth as he grins and I grin back, thanking him.

"Well, I think the first thing on the agenda is for you to meet my employees, isn't that right Harry?" Tom teases and I grind my teeth, thinking about Lucius' smug look when he finds out that I fell into his Bosses hands one way or another. "I actually scheduled a meeting in – oh would you look at that, now!"

I grind my teeth even harder and look at the others for help, but they are all looking everywhere but me. Looks like the book about flower arrangements and their magical use has really caught Sirius' attention, and the twins are really loving the material of the arm chair they're inspecting. Remus is just point blank staring at his nails as if they hold the answer to world peace. Wow, thanks guys.


Tom and I are standing in front of the door to the meeting room, which is already filled with Tom's most loyal 'co-workers' or whatever they call themselves nowadays. It was my idea, but I'm starting to regret it when I hear Bellatrix' crazy arse laugh through the thick wooden door.

Tom suddenly grabs my hand, interlaces his fingers with mine, and opens the door. He then dramatically swoops in, robes swishing while I am pulled along like a dog on a leash. I at least try to take the situation with stride and catwalk towards the seat next to Tom, which is - this time - empty. Looks like Lucius learnt his lesson.

"Good afternoon everybody!" Tom says and they answer with: "Good afternoon, boss."

Interesting. Also, what is this, primary school?

"Hullo fellow death workers, lovely to see thee tis da-" I shut my mouth when I see that the ex-death-eaters have all brought along their heirs. Draco Malfoy is looking at me with a smug face and I see Pansy Parkinson passing him a Galleon. "Good to see that you've been betting on me Malfoy, Parkinson, but I must say, I am disappointed. I thought you'd at least be betting a bit more, after all you have access to daddy's money, don't you?" I say in a sweet voice.

"Oh, don't worry Potter, I'm not wasting my father's money. I did an internship at the ministry over the summer. I don't think you're one to talk about spending your parents' money." Draco comments cloyingly.

"Darling, it's called a trust fund, I sure as hell wouldn't trust you with anything, let alone money. Also, good job on getting that job, good old nepotism, ay?" I snark back before ignoring the seat meant for me and sitting down on Tom's lap.

"I know what you're doing, but I'll admit, seeing Malfoy Junior's face turn red is quite satisfying." Tom whispers into my ear and a shiver runs down my spine. Only then do I look around and see the ridiculous looks on the others' faces.

"As you can very well see, I have decided to court your boss. Violet, champagne!" I order and Violet pops in with enough glasses of champagne for everyone except for me and Tom. I wink at Violet and she nods, bringing out the expensive 'Dom Pérignon Brut Champagne' for Tom and I, still in the bottle for the others to see. Lucius eyes the expensive alcohol with jealousy, while I give Tom his flute.

"What Harry meant to say is that I have been courting him and he has decided to do the same. Anyhow, today we will be talking about some important plans that Harry has developed together with me. Afterwards we will commence with supper. The Sacre du Voile ceremony has already been prepared for tomorrow." Tom explains and I nod along as if I know exactly what he's talking about.

The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarry)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora