"You're thinking about the Dumbledore issue, aren't you?" He asks and I nod.

"It's just.. We have so much dirt on him, including evidence! Why aren't we using any of it?" I ask.

"Well, I have actually contacted multiple papers anonymously and they are interested in what we have to say about Dumbledore. I have gone to Gringotts and gotten a full check-up from their healer. Harry, I created the first Horcruxes because Dumbledore used the imperious on me. I opened the chamber of secrets because he made me. I got Hagrid sacked because he made me do it. He forced me to let the basilisk kill Myrtle Warren. He also used another dark curse to make sure that I stay insane, even after I left Hogwarts. He created the Dark Lord, Harry. 

I got every last bit of magic he used on me removed by the goblin healer. I contacted the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, and gave her the documents that were signed off by the head of Gringotts. It is all the evidence she needs to evict Dumbledore from Hogwarts and lock him up in Azkaban. I asked her to wait though, so I could talk to my partner before taking further action against Dumbledore..." He tells me, getting quieter towards the end of his speech. My hand flies to cover my mouth and my eyes tear up. I then throw myself into Tom's arms, tears flowing freely.

We are so close to achieving our goals, but Tom is still taking the time to consult me and ask my opinion. Nobody has ever done that. For most of my life I was never in control, but he is trusting me enough to let me decide.

"We should spin this over like two or three weeks. Have the papers you contacted release an article about Dumbledore's shit agenda every second or third day. He will have to watch as he is destroyed slowly and won't be able to do anything. I'm sure that Molly has already told Dumbledore what happened here, but we can just make it look as if you had imperio-d me. You can pretend as though you're away and have Snape bring me back, getting him into the order's good graces. I'll pretend as if I am deeply disturbed from what you've done to me-" I say, but am interrupted.

"What have I done to you?" Tom rasps, lips ghosting over my ear, but I push his head away.

"Not now Tommy boy. As I was saying, me disturbed, you creepy and horny. Anyhow, they'll all be flocking me and I won't have to talk because: Surprise! The trauma made me go mute! I'll also start spreading the Dumbledore conspiracy among the students and teachers, before the first paper is published. Before all that I'll meet with your 'employees'. Some of them have kids at Hogwarts after all, and they could tell their offspring to help me." I finish and am about to add something, but Tom stands up, lifts me into his arms and spins me around.

"You are bloody wicked Harry... Thank you!" He tells me and peppers little kisses all over my face, making me giggle. "Also, and I'm sorry to ruin the moment, I found out something else that is worrying. I had my Slytherin followers go to Gringotts as well, and they were also under compulsions, making them 'darker'. Especially Bellatrix. Apparently Dumbledore used an even more intense insanity curse on the whole Black family, but Narcissa was released from the curse when she married Lucius. We don't know why, but after Bella got healed Narcissa has been fawning over her sister non-stop. It worries me, because this could mean that thousands of Slytherin students could have been 'turned dark' and ejected from society because of that lousy headmaster, even when he was just a teacher at the school. Lucius and the others with kids have already gone to Gringotts with their offspring by taking custody over them on the weekend, but I fear for all the other students. He could have used similar compulsions on the other houses to make them exclude the Slytherins, or even had them act like the epitome of their houses. The only problem is, we can't check that without it being noticed, so the only evidence of that are the records of my 'employee's' children."

"Don't worry Tom, let me take care of that. All I need is a bit of help smuggling the twins into Hogwarts and to meet with that healer at Gringotts." I say mysteriously, but he doesn't tell me to explain, he just thanks me. And again, I get that warm feeling in my heart.

A/N Hullo everyone! How are you all? I hope you are prepared, because I am writing the next chapter and am almost done and it's kinda really long, hope you'll appreciate that. I could split it into two chapters, but I don't know where I could split it with it still making sense, so I left it as one big chapter xD

I really enjoy writing this, especially now that I have time to fully think about the story! I still haven't moved, but I have a bit of time before the big move.

Also, don't be afraid to comment! I always enjoy reading your comments, and to be honest, I think they are often more funny than whatever I wrote. And please vote if you like the story!

As always, stay happy and healthy!

Luv, Salazar 

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