I don't reply to him.

And he pushes me from the stairs.

It all happened in seconds, I didn't get a chance to stand up or manage my balance.

He pushes me and I am already on the last stair, books are scattered around.

My head feels dizzy, I see Isaac running towards me but Abraham, I look at me, he smiles and leaves like he doesn't care.

He is an actual psychopath. I am going to say that to his face now.

It hurts in my knee and my ankle and my elbow and my head and my ego and my self-respect but it's okay.


Abraham Walton

"So, did you find out? Is there any way I can take over the mafia instead of business if our family?" I ask from my lawyer.

I once talked to my father about this but he says I am better at business and since I am younger I am too weak to take our mafia I think quite the opposite because to me my elder brother is the most fragile person to have ever existed.

"There are two ways, first one is you should talk to your father."

The lawyer pauses, probably he waits for me to reply.

"I have already talked once and he denied it. What's the other option."

I say. He is technically bothering me.

"Second option is to get your brother killed and take over the mafia and business."
He says.

"Are you stupid or what? He is my brother." I shout.

He should Thank God that he isn't in front of me otherwise I would have killed him instead.

"Then, talk to your father." His voice is trembling somewhat I can say that without even looking at him.

" As much as I love power, I love my brother too. Don't you dare to say any such bullshit ever again?"

I cut Call.

But, I am worried, I don't want to talk to my father about it but I want power. I want to see people getting afraid of my name, I want their hair to stand on end.


Delilah Sinclair

I just made dinner and I feel tired.
But, I have to do the dishes.
Before doing that, I decided to work on my assignment.

Ava enters my room and sleeps on my bed while I am working on the assignment.

"How's uni going?" She asks me.

She is so excited about her high school.

"It's good. " I reply trying to concentrate on my work.

"What's this" she takes the invitation card that Isaac gave me.

"A party, I am invited to." I make a double coma shape with my hands.

"You should Lilah, it's fun. Why are you not going."
She seems very excited.

"I have to work on my assignment, I have to do dishes and I also don't have a good dress."
I count all the reasons on my fingers.

"I am sure the assignment deadline will be some 3-4 days away, I will do dishes for you and I have a good dress."

She says counting on her fingers, copying me.

"But, I don't wanna go."

I tell her but I already closed my books.

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