part 13. Time to go

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It was the day of team 7 mission. The day was depressing for sasuke and naruto. When sasuke got up he went straight to kabuto's house. He wanted to talk to him before he left. He wanted to know what was in his best friend's head. When he got there he asked to see kabuto but orochimaru didn't know where he was. "He hasn't come home from staying at his friends house." He told sasuke.

"Can't you call him and find out." Sasuke asked.

"Sasuke its not that easy. Kabuto is very tricky to deal with for someone like me. I'm not his real father, which is why with him being a teenager its harder for me to try to help. The thing with kabuto is when he gets overwhelmed he shuts down. And I can't find out what's going on cuz I can't find out what's he's going through. Most parents can be like "I know where they are going or how they are going to act cuz they are just like me." But I can't do that. I have no option but to wait when he gets like this." Orochimaru said with sadness. Sasuke just looked at the ground. There was a long silence before sasuke spoke.

"Today is my mission......... I'm gonna be gone for 5 days...... I don't want to go." Sasuke said as a tear rolled down his cheek. Orochimaru lifted sasuke's head to look at him.

"Don't say that sweetie." Orochimaru said as he wiped the tear from sasuke's face with his thumb. "You have always wanted to be a ninja. To get stronger. You said that you wanted to make your family proud. Even though I know they are already prouder then ever. But you can't give up your dreams of becoming stronger just cuz I'm in the picture now. I'm going to be right here when you get back. And you can text or call whenever you miss me." Orochimaru said as he looked at sasuke. Orochimaru put on a smile to make sasuke feel better. Sasuke just jumped into orochimaru's arms and kissed him. Sasuke begged for entrance with his tongue and orochimaru aloud him in.

"So why wasn't I clued in on any of this?" They heard someone say from the door. They looked over at the door and saw kabuto leaning against it with his arms folded. Sasuke couldn't look kabuto in his eyes. And orochimaru was in a state of shock. "Someone wanna answer me?" Kabuto said. He was unusually calm. Sasuke just pointed to orochimaru as to say he's gonna answer.

"Son you realize the age difference. I wanted to wait until he was 18 before anyone knew." Orochimaru said looking at the ground.

"And what you thought I would tell someone?" Kabuto said.

"No its not that." Orochimaru said quickly. "Its that he's one of your best friends. I was ashamed in myself for crossing a line. Falling in love with one of my sons best friends is wrong.... Isn't it?" He finished. Sasuke's head shot up and looked at orochimaru. He has said he loved sasuke but not that he's in love with sasuke. Sasuke was surprised that he admitted something like that.

"Dad it would be worse if we were blood. Yes I'm your son but with me not being blood its less of an issue. And I would never tell anyone I love you both too much. As long as you guys are happy that's all that matters. You should also tell naruto too. He's your best friend and he would be happy for you. He's been weird lately. You should try to talk to him and see what's up." Kabuto said. Sasuke started thinking about it. He realized kabuto was right. As he was losing thought he heard kabuto speak again. Say doesn't your mission start soon?" Kabuto said. Sasuke looked at his phone.

"Shit." He said as he grabbed his backpack.

"That's all your bringing for 5 days?" Kabuto asked.

"I have the rest in scrolls." Sasuke said as he started rushing towards the door. "Oh wait." He said before he turned around and rushed up to orochimaru and gave him a deep kiss. Kabuto had a small smile on his lips. He was happy for them. "Love you bye." Sasuke said as he rushed away. He gave kabuto a quick hug and ran off to the teams meeting spot.

"Speaking of being in a rush. Don't you have school?" Orochimaru said.

"Not if you don't make me go so we can sit down and have a conversation about everything." Kabuto said while eyeing orochimaru.

"You little asshole." Orochimaru said with a chuckle and he picked up his phone to call the school. Kabuto smirked as he went over and sat on the couch.

Sasuke rushed to the meeting spot and was seen by everybody. "Sasuke we've been waiting and I was told to expect this from naruto." Yamato sighed. Sakura instantly ran over and grabbed sasuke's arm.

"Oh sasuke where have you been." Sakura asked in her high picked flirty voice.

"Please stop touching me." Sasuke said with a straight face as he pulled his arm away. He looked over at naruto 'help me' he mouthed to naruto. Naruto nodded and ran over to sakura.

"Hey sakura when we get back you wanna get some ramen with me?" Naruto asked her with a smile.

"As if." She said and went into her angry pout.

"Ok let's go everybody." Yamato said. Naruto started walking with sasuke.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

"No problem. Me asked her to do anything makes her get like that. You got about an hour before she gets over it. But if we're on the move she shouldn't bother you." Naruto said with a grin. Sasuke saw through his smile and saw something was wrong. 'I gotta talk to him when we settle down for the night.' Sasuke thought to himself.

Hey guy sorry for the long wait I had bad writers block. I had forgot how I wanted this story to go. But now I got an idea so I should be back on an ok time schedule lol. Thank you guys for your support. I love you all. Bye my lovelies

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