part 9. back to school

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It was the first day of school. Sasuke and naruto were getting ready so they could meet up with kabuto. Kabuto though was sneaking into his dads room. He took his dads phone and changed something before sneaking back out and getting ready. Kabuto met the boys at a little coffee shop down the road from the school. "Kabuto what the fuck took so long." Sasuke said annoyed.

"Sorry had to do something." He chuckled.

"Sasuke stop being mean. Anyway you didn't answer my question." Naruto said with a smile.

"What question?" Kabuto asked he was interested now.

"When is he gonna grow a pair and say something to your dad." Naruto said with an eye roll. Sasuke looked away annoyed but had pink dusting his cheeks. Kabuto laughed.

"So sasuke answer." Kabuto said. Sasuke put his head down.

"I don't know ok. I hate you guys." Sasuke said then Sasuke left without another word. He had finally had it with the teasing and pushing. If they didn't know better they would have thought they saw a tear run down sasuke's face. Sasuke got to school before everyone else and talked to all his teachers. They excused him from class as none of them had anything big planed for the first day. Sasuke went to the park and sat in the grass. At some point he started crying and he didn't know why. When kabuto and naruto got to the school they looked but couldn't find sasuke. He was in none of the classes but even at attendance his name wasn't called. Naruto found it weird like sasuke just vanished.

Orochimaru woke up for work he looked at his phone and saw a contact was changed. He stared at it. It read (Son's cute friend) Orochimaru sat there for a moment just looking and seeing the text. Seeing it was all the messages between him and his secret admire. As he was walking to work he kept staring at his phone. Either he was right or it was his other friend. Orochimaru was getting upset he knew his son did this but he was still in the dark. He walked past the park and saw someone by a tree looking like he was crying. Then he realized it was his son's friend. 'Should i go check on him?' Orochimaru asked himself.

At school

Naruto and kabuto were trying to think where sasuke was. It was lunch already and they hadn't seen him.

"Where could he have gone?" Naruto said with alarm.

"Don't you think if I knew that we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." Kabuto said with a sigh.

"Ok just because sasuke is gone don't mean you have to be the sarcastic prick." Naruto said upset.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself anyway?" Kabuto said with a raised eyebrow. Naruto looked at him confused. "Oh you didn't know." Kabuto said.

"Know what spit it out." Naruto said irritated. Normally sasuke kept naruto calm so him not being around isn't good. Kabuto leaned over and whispered into naruto's ear.

"I heard kakashi sensei talking to iruka sensei. He said that he remembered the party that we had when he kissed you." Naruro's face turned deep red. Kabuto pulled away from naruto to speak normally. "He also said he's been keeping his distance. Has he been staying away more than usual?" Kabuto said. Naruto was staring off into space nodding his head slightly as he heard kabuto but he was just background noise. It seemed like all the noise in the lunch room was getting louder and louder. Naruto's vision went blurry before he ran to the bathroom. Kabuto was confused and concerned but thought it best for him to cool down.

Naruto burst into the bathroom and used the sink to stand. He was looking at the sink as his mind was racing all of a sudden he saw something wet drop into the sink. He looked up at himself in the mirror. He was crying. "Why the fuck am I even crying?" He asked himself.

"You know you shouldn't curse." Naruto heard someone say from over by the door.

Back at the park

Orochimaru walked up to sasuke and bend down to be eye level with him if his head was up. "You ok?" Orochimaru asked softly. Sasuke's sobs stopped abruptly as his eyes widened. 'No it can't be.' sasuke thought to himself he knew that voice. He slowly raised his head trying to wipe his face with his sleeves as he did it. He looked up and found yellow eyes looking back with a small smile placed under them.

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Sasuke stuttered. Orochimaru let out a little chuckle.

"Well I was walking to work and then saw you looking upset. So I thought I'd come check on you." Orochimaru said as he sat on the grass in front of sasuke.

"Well thank you for your concern but I'm fine really." Sasuke said. He didn't really wanna talk about it with orochimaru. (Which is completely understandable.) Orochimaru raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gonna guess my son never told you I don't like liers." Orochimaru said startling sasuke. "Now wanna tell me the truth?" He said. Sasuke sighed. There was no way out of this anymore. He told orochimaru what happened this morning just with vague words when it came to his crush. Like he would say "the guys I like" or "my crush".

"Its just like I got so upset. With the teasing and the pushing it all became to much. I understand they want me to be happy but..." Sasuke didn't really know how to finish his last sentence. Now he was started to get aggravated at himself as well. Orochimaru look at him softly.

"Listen that's normal. When people push us we start to get aggravated. If you wanna tell the person that you like them then that's up to you." Orochimaru said confident that he was that person.

"I don't know if I can." Sasuke said. Orochimaru sighed and stood and put is hand out.

"Come on." He said sasuke looked up at him confused. "Come take a walk with me." Sasuke took his hand to help him up. Then he started following orochimaru to the forest.

Back at school

Naruto looked to the door. "Oh kakashi sensei i know I shouldn't be cursing I'm sorry." Naruto said. Kakashi crossed the room over to naruto. He placed his hand on naruto's cheek and wiped naruto's tear away with his thumb. Naruto looked up into those dark grey/red eyes that he loves so much. (Side note: I know y'all probably like wtf I know. I thought his eyes were black but apparently that was incorrect. I looked it up.) Kakashi smiled before he brought his head down to Naruto's lips. He started to kiss him. It happened so fast naruto forgot to close his eyes. He looked wide eyed at kakashi when he came back up and looked at him. When naruto realized what was happening he threw his arms around kakashi's neck and started kissing him. Kabuto who was outside the door gently pushed the bathroom door and smiled when he realized it was locked.

"Just needed a push is all." He said as he put his hands in his pocket and started walking to class.

Back at the forest

Orochimaru guided sasuke pretty deep into the forest. He wanted them to have some privacy. "Sasuke I think we need to talk about something." Orochimaru said...........

To be continued.

Hey guys sorry it felt like I wrote the last chapter literally yesterday then I looked at it and realized nope it been almost a whole week. At least its better than last time. I hope everyone enjoyed and remember I love hearing from you guys. Remember I love all of you guys. Bye my lovelies. ❤

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