part 12. why?

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They all went home and naruto had some words for kakashi. And itachi had some words for sasuke.

Naruto got home and kakashi was already home. "Hey naruto how was your day?" Kakashi asked. Naruto just looked at him slightly upset. "What did I do?" Kakashi asked.

"Like you don't know. What the hell? You make me excited about a mission then stick us with another man. You are supposed to be with us but instead your telling me I have to be away from you for almost a week." Naruto said. He was upset right now. He didn't know how to deal with his emotions. Kakashi sighed and stood up. He took naruto into his arms.

"I'm sorry sweetie but I can't get out of work this time

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"I'm sorry sweetie but I can't get out of work this time. Captain Yamato will take good care of you. And don't worry when you get back I will be right here and spend all the time you want with you." Kakashi said as he just held the young blonde. Kakashi knew that this was gonna hurt naruto and he hated it. Naruto calmed down and pulled away a bit to look at kakashi. Kakashi cupped his cheek. "You hungry?" He asked and naruto nodded. "Want some ramen?" He asked and naruto instantly got happy before they both headed out for dinner.


Sasuke got home and as soon as he closed the door he felt a hand grab him. He looked up and saw itachi dragging him to his room. Sasuke took his arm back. "What the fuck itachi?" He said angrily.

"We need to talk." Itachi said. Sasuke folded his arms and waited for him to continue. "About you and orochimaru." Sasuke's eyes widened.

"WHY IS THAT EVEN ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS?" Sasuke yelled he was getting pissed at his older brother for being nosey. This pissed itachi off.

"YOU WILL WATCH YOUR TONE WITH ME." Itachi said. Sasuke instantly sat down on his bed and put his head down. Itachi has never gotten like this with sasuke. And he hated that he had to get like this. But with sasuke getting older he has been more out of control causing itachi to be more firm then all love and care. Itachi sighed and sat next to sasuke. He put his hand on his back. "Listen I don't like getting like that with you. But kabuto is worried." Itachi said. This caused sasuke to look up.

"What?" Sasuke said in confusion.

"Yea he contacted me. Because you, naruto, and his dad have all been acting weird. I can't do nothing about the other two but I can talk to you and see what's up." Itachi said. Sasuke started thinking. He was right. 'I have been acting different.' He thought. He realized how that might get to someone.

"But its not him its just..." Sasuke said urgently before stopping himself. He remembered what orochimaru told him. 'You can't tell anyone at least until your next birthday.' Orochimaru's voice rang in his head. 'Shit shit shit.' Sasuke thought. Itachi was waiting patiently. He could almost see the gears turning in sasuke's head. He knew either he was gonna get a lie. Or not the whole story. Seeing this he figured that sasuke and orochimaru went further then sasuke was gonna ever say. "Its just me. I've been trying to figure myself out. You know with my feelings and everything." Sasuke said with his cheeks slightly red from thinking about the thing he was trying to avoid saying. Itachi knew he was full of shit. Itachi just decided to just ask the question.

"How far did you guys go?" Itachi just blurted out. Sasuke looked up at itachi.

"W-w- what?" Sasuke stuttered out.

"You heard me." Itachi said as he looked down at his brother. Sasuke could feel his cheeks heating up. He looked down away from his brother. "Did you guys go all the way?" He asked. Sasuke didn't answer his question. "Sasuke?" Itachi said. Sasuke didn't even look at him. "You did didn't you?" Itachi said wanting confirmation.

"I gotta go." Sasuke said quickly as he grabbed his jacket and got out of there.

"Sasuke wait." Itachi called out unable to catch him before he left. "Dam him." Itachi whispered to himself.

Sasuke ran to the woods trying to calm down he was sad, scared, and angry all at once. He had to leave orochimaru for almost a week. He's scared that itachi now knows. And he's angry that itachi even inserted himself into his business in the first place. Sasuke pulled out his phone.

S: hey u busy?

O: no what's up?

S: meet me in the forest. Where we were last time.

O: k be there soon

Sasuke put his phone down and sat on the ground with his knees to his chest. Orochimaru got there and saw sasuke he thought something was wrong as he ran up to him. Orochimaru bent down. "Sasuke are you ok?" He asked as he put his hand on his head. Almost instantly sasuke jumped onto orochimaru and held him close. Orochimaru was startled as he almost got knocked over. He then relaxed and held sasuke close. "What's the matter?" Orochimaru said.

"The day after tomorrow I'm going on a 5 day mission and I don't want to be away from you." Sasuke said almost in tears. Orochimaru didn't know what to do. He didn't want to be away from sasuke either. He slightly pulled sasuke away from him to look him in his eyes.

"Wanna stay the night with me?" He asked. This confused sasuke. He just nodded though. "Ok go get a change of clothes and meet me at my house kabuto isn't home. He's staying with a friend. I think his name was shikamaru. But we'll have the place to ourselves." Sasuke nodded before heading off the get some clothes. He told itachi he was staying out for the night before heading to orochimaru's place.

Hey guys ik its been a long time I'm so sorry I'm gonna try to start updating more again. Here's the first one in a while. I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies❤ enjoy

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