part 11. secrets

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Sasuke walked into school and saw kabuto and naruto standing by the door. Naruto ran up to sasuke and hugged him. "Sasuke where were you? You wouldn't answer your phone I got so worried." Naruto practically cried. Kabuto stood there watching naruto be dramatic for a couple of minutes before he spoke.

"Naruto sasuke is a big boy. He can take care of himself. Where did you run off to anyway?" Kabuto said staring straight into sasuke's eyes.

"Oh I just needed some time to myself yesterday." Sasuke said while rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't realized that he started sweating but kabuto did. "Well I'm gonna get to class. See you guys later." Sasuke said as he rushed down the hall.

"He acting weird to you?" Kabuto said.

"Yea we have first period together but he ran off and said see ya like we don't." Naruto said with confusion on his face.

"That's not-" kabuto started. He face palmed "never mind." He finished. He started walking down the hall and he was suspicious now. Everyone he's close to has been acting weird. Naruto who was normally jumpy and always wanted to talk about his life was no longer like that. He was calm and almost never talked about himself. Kabuto started to wonder how far did things go with kakashi. Then there was sasuke he suddenly disappeared. Then when he gets back he's no longer the straight faced cool headed sasuke. Now he seems like a wreck. He was definitely hiding something. Like even his dad was acting weird. He thought back to yesterday how his dad was.

--------------- flash back----------------

Sasuke and orochimaru had finished cleaning up. They were laying down sasuke was laying on orochimaru's chest drawing circles on his chest with his finger. "Do you know how long I've loved you?" Sasuke said suddenly. It surprised orochimaru, now he wanted to know.

"No I don't. How long?" He said.

"Since I first met you. I didn't know why it just seemed like the world stopped. It was like you were the most perfect person in the world." Sasuke said while lost in his thoughts. Orochimaru was shocked. 'So a little over a year now.' Orochimaru thought to himself. He kissed the top of sasuke's head.

"I wish I could say the same for me. But I started to fall for you while texting you. And when I started to figure it out that it was you. I was happy. I can't explain it. Then the more I was around you the more I fell." Orochimaru said. Sasuke don't know why but he started smiling. "You know I love you. But we gotta keep us a secret." This caught sasuke off guard. He looked up at orochimaru. "Because of your age. I know what your thinking that your not that young. But your still to young. We can't say nothing until your next birthday. Then we'll be good." He explained. Sasuke relaxed back into his chest.

"I understand." He said. All of sudden they heard the front door open. They looked at the time seeing it was 3:30. "Shit." Sasuke whispered.

"He's home." Orochimaru whispered. Sasuke got up and gathered his things.

"What do we do." Sasuke whispered slightly panicked.

"Stay here." Orochimaru said before he left the room. "Hey son." He said.

"Oh hey dad. I didn't expect to see you. Thought you had work." Kabuto said slightly suspicious.

"Oh I had a headache and we don't need anything going wrong because I'm stubborn." He chuckled while rubbing his neck. "But I'll be back tomorrow." He said with a smile.

"Yeah well I've got homework so I'm just gonna head to my room." Kabuto said as he went to his room. "There's something going on that wasn't normal." Kabuto said quietly to himself. Orochimaru rushed back into his room.

"Ok he's in his room come on." He said quietly to sasuke. They rushed to the front door quietly. Sasuke gave him a kiss before he got out the house.

-------------- end flash back--------------

Everyone in his life was weird. They were all hiding something. And he was determined to find out. They were in class and sasuke and naruto got called out of class. Kabuto was wondering what happened. They went into a room that had sakura and kakashi there. "Good now that everyone is here. How would you guys like to go on a new mission?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes." Sasuke and naruto said together. They both felt like getting some fresh air would do good.

"Sakura?" Kakashi said pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Oh yes. Would love to." She answered.

"Good but there is one thing. I won't be with you guys. Yamato will be going with you guys. I have to many classes to attend to this week." He said. Naruto's heart dropped at that sentence. "It will take about 5 days so pack accordingly." He said. Sasuke and naruto's faces dropped. They were both seriously rethinking their decision. "You guys leave the day after tomorrow. You may go back to class." He finished. They all left and naruto and sasuke were thinking about how they would be away from the men they love for so long. They got back to class and were spaced out thinking about everything.

"Hey guys what was that about." Kabuto asked. Naruto put on a fake smile and replied.

"A mission. Isn't that great I'm so excited." Sasuke knew naruto was full of it. He saw it on his face. But sasuke just threw on a little half smile to try to seem happy. Kabuto smiled and said that's great. They all went home and naruto had some words for kakashi. And itachi had some words for sasuke.

To be continued......

Hey guys sorry. This was supposed to be out sooner but I had stopped writing for a bit and wattpad saved none of my work so I had to start over. And it was hard to remember what I had wrote cuz I was very happy with what I wrote so I wasn't just letting it go lol. But hope y'all enjoy. I love u all and love hearing from u guys. Bye my lovelies❤

Ps. The pic at the top was just a funny pic I thought everyone needed to see🤣

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