part 1. getting his number

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It was just like any other day except it was there last day in 9th grade. Sasuke was hanging with his best friend naruto in class. He was lost in thought when his phone went off. It was his other bff on their group chat.

Kabuto: my place tonight?

Naruto: sleepover?

Kabuto: Why not?

Sasuke: I'm pretty sure your dad thinks we're all gay at this point.

Naruto: shut up sasuGAY.

Sasuke: i will kill you.

Kabuto: so you guys in?

Naruto: hell yea i'll ask kakashi later and he'll be fine.

Sasuke: sure why not itachi is watching me tonight so he won't care.

Kabuto: awesome. Be there at 7.

Naruto: awesome.

Sasuke: sure.

Sasuke put his phone away and look over at his friend with the "ima kill you" look. They were all put on there teams before leaving. Sasuke saw sakura happy and cheering because they were on the same team. He rolled his eyes and put his head down. Naruto put his hand on his back. "Its ok at least you got me." Naruto said. Sasuke looked up at him and then put his head back down with a wanted to cry face. Naruto made an exaggerated surprised face. "You hurt me sasuke." He said. That caused sasuke to actually laugh. "There you go let's go we wanna get there in time." Naruto said.

Sasuke went home and got ready to go to kabuto's place. He heard a knock at his door. He opened the door to itachi. "Hey I just wanted to make sure you actually wanna go." Itachi asked. Sasuke went back to to packing.

"Of Course why wouldn't I?" Sasuke asked. Itachi sighed and sat down on the edge of sasuke's bed to make sure sasuke would look at him. Sasuke tried avoiding looking at itachi.

"Look at me." Itachi said as he saw sasuke was avoiding it. Sasuke looked up to him. "Every time you stay there for the night you end up texting me all night. I won't ask that ever again. If you tell me why you have to text me every time." Sasuke looked down.

"Because.... You calm me down when I'm there . I can't keep myself calm. But with you being my brother you keep me calm." Sasuke said almost to low for itachi to hear. Itachi was wondering what he could be talking before he realized sasuke was 16 and he remembered how he was when he was 16.

"Who is it?" Itachi asked. Sasuke started to blush realized that he caught on. Itachi was the only one that knew for a fact that sasuke was gay. Every one else that said it didn't know for a fact. So itachi caught on quickly.

"Orochimaru." Sasuke whispered. Itachi's eyes widened. He thought it would be one of his friends but instead it was him.

"Well sasuke maybe take some time from being there. Why don't you guys hang out here?" Itachi asked.

"Well I like seeing him. I just want to be able to keep myself together." Sasuke said. Itachi had a small smile before he hugged sasuke.

"It will be ok. Have fun." Itachi said.

Sasuke arrived at kabuto's place a little bit early. But thank god naruto was already there. "Sasuke heyyyyy." Naruto said with his big grin. He loved having sasuke around. Kabuto was a great friend but sasuke was his best friend. It was dinner time so they all went to the dining room. Orochimaru had dinner ready and already at the table.

"Hey sasuke glad to have you join us." Orochimaru said. Sasuke hid his face as it turned slightly pink.

"Glad to be here." Sasuke said lowly. Orochimaru smiled he knew sasuke was always shy. What he didn't know was that sasuke was only shy around him. Kabuto started to invite sasuke there on purpose. Kabuto had saw sasuke writing in a journal one night that he was there and saw he had a crush on his dad. Kabuto kept trying to get sasuke to communicate with his dad more but he wouldn't. After dinner kabuto took the boys to his room. He needed to know what was in sasuke's head.

"Ok we need to talk." Kabuto said as soon as he shut the door. Naruto and sasuke looked confused. "This has to do with you sasuke." He said.

"Wait what? Me?" He asked confused.

"First off so everyone is on the same page. I know about your crush." Kabuto said. Naruto looked at his best friend. "You gonna tell him?" He asked sasuke.

"Its his dad." Sasuke said with his head down.

"Haha oh I knew that." Naruto said with a smile. Now kabuto was confused.

"How?" Sasuke asked.

"Do you not see how you act sasuke. Its obvious. Your lucky that orochimaru doesn't spend enough time around you to realize." Naruto said.

"Well I saw you writing about it." Kabuto said casually. "Now why can't you talk to him? I been trying to get you to talk to him." Kabuto said. Sasuke blushed.

"I'm I'm scared." Sasuke said.

"Here this will help you get more comfortable talking to him." Kabuto said as he took his phone. He put his dads number into his phone and tossed it back to him. "Have fun." Kabuto said with a wink and a chuckle. Sasuke looked at it for a minute and then asked the boys if they could just play a game. "After you text him we can play some cod." Kabuto said. So sasuke text him hi then showed him. "Good now we can play." Sasuke and kabuto played cod while naruto just played on his phone. He was never really into cod. When sasuke laid down he saw that he had a new message.

S= sasuke, o= orochimaru

O: who is this? I don't have your number in my phone.

S: that's not important. I got your number from someone. Cuz I wanted to get to know you.

O: i don't know how to feel about this.

S: well you can just accept it and talk to me lol.

O: i guess. But what should I put you as in my phone if I don't know your name?

S: how about... Secret admirer?

O: sure i guess. So I guess you have a crush on me by that sentence.

S: maybe a little.

O: haha ok so i can't know you name. Can I know your age?

S: younger then you.

O: so that's a no lol. How about do I know you?

S: yes you do but not well.

O: ok that don't narrow it down to much lol. Well you wanted to get to know me more what do you wanna know?

S: how about we start simple. What's your favorite color?

O: black. What about you?

S: blue. What time should you be sleeping?

O: why you getting tired? Lol

S: a little but I don't wanna stop talking to you.

O: I've gotta work early so I should head to bed

S: ok text me tomorrow?

O: definitely. Goodnight sweet dreams.

S: ok goodnight sweet dreams.

Sasuke put his phone down and smiled before he went to bed.

Orochimaru tried to sleep but he couldn't stop thinking about his mysterious new secret admirer. He was trying to think who it could be. He was going through his mind trying to think how people act around him. He was at a loss so he started to drift to sleep.

Hey guys I'm back with a new book. I don't know why this is something that I thought of. And this is my first fic like this. I've never done this pair or a texting story like this. So have fun. Byyyyeeee. I love you all and love hearing from you guys. Bye my lovelies❤

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