Chapter 5 • Night Stalkers

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"What did I do?"

Liam looks confused at me, as his blue hair shines in the daylight. "Right... that", he starts.
"Night Stalker, wait... do you know what a Night Stalker is?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"Great, just great," says Caius with sarcasm and an annoyed look. "How can she be of use to us if she doesn't remember anything?"
"Shut your mouth, Caius," says the commandor sternly. Caius looks angry and offended but shuts his mouth.

"Night Stalkers is the result in a lab. You see, somewhat 200 years ago, this world looked very different. Humanity created a liquid that came to life somehow. It's became a creature, destroying everything and becoming a symbol of death. No technology could stop him. It destroyed villages, cities, and the world. It only multiplied with time."

"And what does that have to do with me?"I ask, my voice still feeling silent.

"We, The Sanctum Council and The Ascendant Order, try to stop it for years. However, the technique and the knowledge to kill one is lost. When the creature, the Night Stalker, came to life, another ordor did. We call them Dawnbreakers. They knew how to kill them. However, when the last city in China fell, they all sacrificed their life to save it, but failed. And just like that, Dawnbreakers gone, the ones who were in training became scared, the writings are in the territory of the Night Stalkers. We have no way to kill them. [Name], you were once a Dawnbreaker. You may not remember the techniques, but you don't have to." Liam goes on his knees before lying his hands on my knees. "The technique is still in your body, automatically. You just don't know it. You trained so hard it's like... programmed in your body."

I look down at him. This is a lot to take in.

"If I can help you... why is everyone so angry?"

"That's not important," says Liam back with a serious expression. "They hate you now, but once you'll save them, they will love you." He stands up again.

"We have a bunch of soldiers and students who know the horrors and still want to continue. They're perfect students for you."

I frown at him and look at the ground, taking all the information in. Somehow, I can't believe what he says. Like... everyone is dead?

"I don't feel good, may I go to the restroom?" Liam seems quite surprised at my answer but nods and pionts at a nearby door.

I nod my head in thanks and go in, I look at myself in the mirror. "At least, I'm still in my own body," I say, confirming it's me. I sit down on the white floor, my legs still weak. Whole my body is weak, and why am I so tired?


I follow Caspian to my room. Liam apparently saw through me I was tired, so I got permission to rest. I look at Caspian, who walks before me. Even from behind, he is like a God. The girls must all be crazy over him, but he is the quiet type. He barely spoke a word.

"Here is your room." He opens the door to an old dorm room. It's quite small, but I think I've seen smaller.

"Thank you."

I close the door of my dormroom and lie down in the bed. My head hits the soft pillow, and my body relaxes as my eyelids become heavy, and soon I fall in a dreamless sleep.


I get waked up by an annoying clapping noise. It continues, like in a rhythm continued by a painful groan.

I stand up, still tired, but my body has gained its strength. I open the window to see an empty battle ground full of material to practice. It's empty, only one small figure is to be seen. When I take a closer look, I see it's Simon training against a wooden dummy. His moves are fast, as he defends himself from the spinning dummy with speed as lightning. I know for sure that if I tried that, I would've been knocked out by it.
Simon continues kicking the dummy, his moves are fast and powerful, and as he gives a last kick, the wooden dummy cracks and falls on the ground in two pieces.

For a slim figure, he sure is strong as hell. I'm glad I'm not fighting him... yet.

I'm so concentrated looking at Simon that I did not hear footsteps behind me. A hand grabs say shoulder, and I let out a small squeak. My body reacts, grabbing the hand, and my elbow kicks in the back of his neck.

The male groans with pain as he falls on the ground. I recognize Deon and I gasp in surprise, I immediately start to apologize. "I'm so, so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Deon just chuckles with still a hint of pain. "I'm glad... that... you still have your... moves",he groans between his sentences.

I help Deon up and let him sit on the bed. "I'm so sorry! It was a reflex." "Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it."
His painfull look replaces by his usual grin. "How do you feel? Good enough to start training?"
"I'm not sure how to train... we didn't have those materials..." I look outside at the dummies.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that", he grins. "That's for your students."
"My students?"
"Yes, they're waiting outside for you."

I slowly start to panick a little. "I-I don't know how to teach!"
"Jesus, don't worry. Liam and Caius will assist you."

I'm not too fond of Caius, but he's better than no one if he doesn't embarrass me.

"Okay... I can do this, "I reassure myself. "See, that's the spirit! Your voice sounds way lovelier to, your rest really did you good, it's obvious to see, "he says and walks out the door.

"Come on! Your students are ready and are waiting for you!"

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