Chapter 3 • trial (part 2)

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The door slams open. I glance behind me and see a young man happily stumble into the room. "My apologies, gentleman. We arrived a little late, "he says with a crooked smile. The young man wears a different uniform than I've seen with the others. He wears a completely black uniform, hugging his body and wearing a cloak over it. His straight orange hair hangs over this face as he comes in like he's drunk. He's followed by a second guy that has black hair mixed with some dark blue. Unlike him, he seems more mature and calm. "I'm sorry for my friend here. He's too excited for his own will," he apologized to the judge.

"What makes you think you have the right to interverne the trial!?" The man who wants me dead yells. "We've got an ordor from the captain himself, and besides, I don't think we really need to identify ourselves. We're from the Ascendant Order, "the black-blue haired man says. His last stenence changes the tension completely. "A-ascendant o-order?" repeats the man, he looks shocked.
The two men just grin at each other before they nod.

It explains why they have another uniform...

"We're here for the girl," he continues. "Take a seat, genlteman," says the judge as he points with his hand to two seats close to his. The two men step proudly forward, the more mature one walks past me while the first one looks at me... amazed.

"Oh, what they said is true. Are you really a night walker?" He says in an excited voice. "How did humans taste?"


I look at him confused and honestly... his energetic and over happy voice scares me.

"Take a seat, Deon," says the other young male sternly to the young man,addressed as Deon, who stands close to me. "We get you out of here, cutie," he winks before he takes a seat.

"Where was I?" Growls the judge. "Ah yes. [Name], what are your intentions?"

The silence fills the room again. "I..." On word comes faintly out of my mouth.

I have to be careful what to say. Otherwise, they will kill me. Should I just say the truth?

"I d-don't know what's..." I take a deep breath. Those few words already cost half my stamina. "... going o-on."

I hear people murmering to each other, whispering things in eachothers ear like it is a scandal.

"Silence!" Yells the judge. His sharp voice cut every whisper off in the room. "She's lying!" Yells the man on the left, his eyes still full of hatred. The man to the right, who I suspect is supporting me, stays silent as his look pierced through mine. "She wants us to have mercy. She knows perfectly what's she'd done!"
"Let's kill her!" Yells another voice near the crowd.

The two guys that sit beside the judge look somewhat amused.

"Silence!" Yells the judge again, giving the men on the left side a look. "Actually, may I, honorable judge," says the man with blue-black hair. The attention goes to him. "It's perfectly possible she doesn't remember anything. Hearing her voice also tells us she hasn't spoken for quite some time. Perhaps she was trapped in a form of a night stalker without being necessary one."
"What do you know?" Yells the man on the left again. "You have no idea what's behind in the world. You just hide in your quarters for months, you don't do anything! You have no right to speak."
"For your information" cuts the young man off. "We try to find the lost technique to kill the night stalkers. We won't send every one of us into a battle they can't win."
"Then you're a coward!"

"Silence! Does anyone like to add something?"asks the judge. It remains silent. The killing silence is somehow not comforting at all.

"Alright then, it looks clear to me," starts the judge, and puts away the papers. "[Name] [last name], you killed hundreds of us, you lie in court. I give you the death sentence, right here right now."

My eyes widen in shock, and my heart starts to beat rapidly.


I can't believe my ears. This has to be a dream! I don't want to die, not like this!

All of a sudden, a girl jumps off her seat and sprints my way, and before I know it, her fist hits the side of my jaw. Pain floats through my face as I fall on the ground with my hands still chained to the chair. I still feel the painful tingling sensation on one side of my face. "You killed my friends!" She yells. Her eyes tear up, her teeth are pushed on each other, and her eyes show pure hatred. She kicked in my stomach, as again a wave of pain fills my body.

I get kicked in my stomach. "Stand up, soldier."
"I-it hurts," I groan, holding my arm against my belly. "Pain is a reminder you're alive," the man before me says with a neutral expression. His hair is wine red as his eyes pierce through mine. "Now, fight!"

The girl keeps kicking me, and I feel lost energy burst through me. Not caring about the pain anymore, I move my hands. The girl kicks my head as her tears flow down her cheeks. "You'll pay for it!"

I spit out a small puddle of blood as I try to breathe. My mind is racing, not knowing what to do. I surrender myself to my own body, who is struggling to break free. Besides her yelling, I hear the chair crack. In one movement, my arms are free, and everything suddenly spins. Literally...

Before I know it, I stand with my two feet on the ground, and the girl lies down growling.

What happened?

My legs feel weak, and the pain is unbearable. I sink to the ground on my knees, breathing heavily. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Deon and his partner's eyes widen, and then they have a small smile on their face.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Yells Deon as he stands up. "We found a dawnbreaker!" He yells.

"It appears she's the last one of her kind..."

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