Chapter 2 • Trial (part 1)

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The light blinds my eyes as the door swings open. My eyes start to hurt. A hand grabs my arm roughly and pulls me forward. A breeze comes through my hair, telling me I'm outside. When I can open my eyes again, I see people all in uniforms walking around. Some begin to stop and look at me weirdly.

Fear? Anger? Confusion? I can't quite tell.

I hear whispers in the air. I can't make out any sentence, but one word comes back: 'Night Stalker'.

I can feel all eyes on me, especially when people stop with what they're doing and turn my direction.

We walk further till one of them stands before the commandor blocking the way. "Let's just kill her," he says to him. He was clearly angry at me, his eyes what to kill me. The guy grips at his sword but waits for the reply.

The commandor stands straight as he towers the guy. "No, not yet. The judge will decide her faith, "he replies with a harsh voice.

I'm going to a trial?

"B-but, sir. She -" He glares at me angrily. If it wasn't for the commandor, I'm sure I already got a sword in my gut. "-She-she-" he can't make out any words. The commandor waits patiently.

"What she's done-" "Will be judged by the judge. Anything else?" He cuts him off. The guy shakes his head and looks at the ground, but his eyes are still on me.

"Listen, everyone!"he yells at all the other soldiers. "Till she is judged by the judge no one harms her in any way. Who does... will be eliminated immediately." I can see a lot of disagreement, but they don't move or say anything.

I need to know... what the hell happened..?

The guy goes out of the way, and we go furthur. Walking to yet another stone tower thing. I open my mouth again, but it gets stuck. It bothers me that I have a hard time speaking. Yet I can't remember when I spoke last or what I did. My life is also pretty blurry, not gonna lie.

"Simon," says the commandor again as we walk again into a dark space. "Everyone who tries to kill this girl before trial is dead. Understood?" Simon looks at the commandor. His face softens from an angry to a sad one. "Understood," he says in a soft tone.

Those people are his friends, aren't they?

I stand before another door, but this time, he doesn't open it. Instead, the commandor turns around to face me. "Best not to speak a word," he warns me before he gives me a small smile. The door opens, and I see a lot of benches and tables. Normally, where the trial gets done, it's behind the people who are against each other. But here they are in a square. One man sits on one side, on a large table.

He must be the judge...

I get pushed forward into the room. At least a hundred people are here. They look at me all without emotion and a straight posture.

When I'm in the middle of the room, they put me down on a chair and chain me to it.

I see all those eyes piercing through me. The way they all judge me, it's horrible. Whatever I did, it must be bad...

I don't see the commandor nor Simon anywhere. I look at the judge in front of me. His face looks more kind than the commandor, but I can't be fooled by his appearance.

"[Name] [last name]," he says sternly. His voice galms through the quiet room.

How did he know my name?

I don't react, but it seems like I don't need to. The judge already looks away, back to his paper. "You stand here before us, where I will decide your faith."

The room is quiet. I've never heard anything being so quiet before. You can't even hear anything from outside even though a lot of daylight is here and the windows are all open. Not even the slightest chirp of a bird or the wind interrupts the silence.

"Give your reasons why she would live or die," he speaks, looking at the two large groups of people who stand there. I would say fifty in one group and fifty in the other?

Nerves are killing me at the moment. I still am confused, all I desire now are answers.

"Honerable judge" speaks suddenly one person of the group on my left. "I don't see any reason for her being alive," he starts. "She is a Night Stalker. She killed hundreds of us!" The angry voice of a man in his forties galms. "She killed our soldiers. She destroyed families -"

What? I didn't. Even though I don't remember, I can't see myself hurting anyone.

"Honorable judge" speaks a sharp voice. I look over to the right. There is a younger man. He wears the same uniform as Simon. He has black hair, a muscular body, and a face of an angel. He has one piercing in his ear that somehow makes him look majestic.

"This girl was indeed a nightwalker, but we can learn from her and restore the lost technique to free ourselves again," he speaks.

I hoped this trial would give me answers. Instead, I have more questions...

The judge seems to consider it. "Are you mad?" Yells the older man. "That girl killed hundreds of us, maybe even thousands. We can't risk it."
"We can, and we will. We will guard her at all times and keep her away from the population. She can answer questions that no one knows. We can save humanity -" "Or we can destroy it! That girl -"
"Enough," says the judge.

The man turns to me. His eyes pierced into mine. "[Name] [last name], would you care to answer to answer me when I ask. What are your intentions?"

I start to panick a little, knowing my voice isn't working at the moment.

Just when I open my mouth, the door slams open...

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