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Olivia laid in a natural coma, her head shaved and bandaged. A friend always sat with her and brought Stella to the hospital to bond with her mother. It was difficult for everyone to just sit there and watch as Olivia's bruises faded, but she didn't wake up. Her brain swelling went down, but that didn't make her wake up as if nothing happened. As if she just took a super long nap.

"Happy Birthday, Olivia!" Casey exclaimed, as she walked into her best friend's room with Stella's carrier held tightly in her hand. Alex and Amanda walked quietly in behind her, their hearts breaking at the thought of Olivia sleeping through her own birthday.

"Casey, she won't be able to wake up and see the balloons. They were just a waste of money," Alex frowned, as she sat about twelve balloons down on the table at the foot of Olivia's bed.

"I don't care if you think it's a waste of money, Alexandra. It's our friend's thirty-ninth birthday and the first one she is celebrating as a mother. We are going to go all out," Casey replied. She sat Stella's carrier down before moving to Olivia.

As usual, Casey washed Olivia's face and applied moisturizer. Once she was done, she put lotion on her arms and hands, then a bit of chapstick around the tube that was helping her breath. She did this every day she was with Olivia, knowing that Olivia would do it for her if she was ever in the same boat.

"Here's little miss," Amanda spoke, as she carried four-month-old Stella to Olivia's bedside. Casey laid the little girl on Olivia's stomach and cradled her to ensure that Stella didn't squirm too much and fall off the bed.

"Stella wanted to come and wish her Mama a very happy birthday," Casey cooed, as she smiled down at Stella. The little girl wasn't as fussy as expected, and she was doing very well being taken care of by everyone but her mother.

Olivia's friends stayed for a few hours and celebrated Olivia's birthday. They made sure Stella got plenty of time to snuggle with her mother, before hesitantly packing up. Casey sent Amanda and Alex downstairs with Stella, so she could speak privately to her best friend.

"Okay, listen up. You are going to wake up soon, okay? Stella is growing like a weed and she needs her mama around. So open those eyes of yours and get back to being the badass we all know you are. Promise me that," Casey spoke, as tears burned her eyes.

She never knew if her pure stubbornness would make her best friend wake up, or if she'd be raising Stella with the help of her friends, forever.


Long after the birthday party ended, Kathleen slowly snuck into Olivia's hospital room. She hadn't been charged with anything regarding Olivia's attack and Stella's kidnapping, so she was the one taking care of her younger siblings. Kathleen didn't know what to expect when she walked into Olivia's room, but she was still surprised by the condition of Olivia.

For years, Olivia had been such a huge part of her life. She was always the one they could go to for advice and support when their parents were being ridiculous. Now, she was laying in a hospital bed without hair and getting help breathing through a tube in her throat.

"Happy Birthday, Liv... I know you don't want me here, but I needed to check up on you," Kathleen breathed, as she moved to Olivia's bedside. She pulled a chair close and sat on it, her hand reaching out and rubbing Olivia's arm gently.

Kathleen hadn't seen Olivia this quiet in awhile, and hated that the last time she saw her they were fighting.

"I'm so sorry that my mother and sister hurt you and kidnapped Stella. What they did was incredibly wrong and I hate them for it," Kathleen sniffled, as tears burned her bright blue eyes.

She leaned forward, her forehead resting against Olivia's arm. Her tears soaked into the smooth white sheet that covered the bed.

"I wish you and Dad didn't have to hide your love, then maybe he wouldn't be dead and you wouldn't be in a freaking coma!" Kathleen exclaimed, as she lifted her eyes and looked to Olivia's face. She scrambled to her feet the moment she saw Olivia's eyes looking at her.

Kathleen started to breath heavily, her entire body shaking as she stumbled back towards the door.

"N-nurse! Help! She's awake!"


Olivia laid in her hospital bed, her eyes focused on the far wall. She was still breathing with the help of a machine, but at least she was awake and responding to questions by blinking. Tests were run on her for hours, and most of the time she would nap during those tests since she was so exhausted.

By the time she was done with the tests, it was the next morning and Casey was coming up with Stella again. This time, Alex and Amanda were at work and were so emotionally exhausted from the birthday party that they needed the day off.

"Good morning, Liv. Stella and I..." Casey started, but she stopped herself when she saw Olivia's eyes were open. Once before, Olivia opened her eyes but it was just a muscle response, but she wasn't awake. Her eyes never moved, but this time they did. Casey caressed her friend's cheek and Olivia looked at her.

"Oh, my god... Welcome back, Liv," Casey whispered, as tears welled in her eyes. She leaned down and kissed her forehead as a nurse came into the room.

"We planned on calling you this morning, because we didn't want to wake you up last night," The nurse spoke.

"Is she okay? Can you remove the tube so we can talk to her?" Casey asked.

"No, not yet. She is still getting help breathing, but it may take time for her body to start working to its full potential again. Until then, we just need to talk to her and make sure she realizes everyone is here to help her through this," The nurse replied.

Casey nodded and quickly got Stella from the carrier. She lifted the little girl up and showed her to Olivia.

"Stella and I are here to keep you going, Liv. This little girl needs her mama, so keep fighting to breathe by yourself so you can tell her that you love her."

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