"god I hate you" she let out, before leaving his office making Aaron chuckle.

Four o'clock rolled around, Aaron walked out of his office ready to head home. walking down to the bullpen he stopped beside Morgan's desk.

"hey boss" Derek let out, Hotch let out a hum.

"where's my wife?" he aske looking around and noticing that none of the other ladies of the team were around.

"What are they planning?" he then asked as he looked at Morgan who let out a chuckle.

"Have no idea, but it's probably not good for you...or maybe it is depends if you want to get lucky or not" Aaron looked at Morgan who was sporting a huge smile, Hotch let out a big exhale as he looked at his watch.

"I'm here! let's go" Celeste let out as she ran in the bullpen, Celeste got her purse and made her way to the elevator.

Driving into the school pick up line, Aaron and Celeste noticed that the place was swarming with cops. Celeste was out of the SUV before it came to a complete stop.

"Celeste!" Aaron let out as he turned the SUV off and got out, both rushing towards the building. A cop saw Celeste and made his way towards her.

"Ma'am you can't go in"

"Get out of my way!" Celeste let out.

"Ma'am we can't let any body until the treat is eliminated" The cop let out as he as he pushed her back.

"don't you fucking touch me, I'm a FBI Agent" she let out as she took her badge out. The cop looked at her then at Aaron who was behind her and showing his badge.

"who's incharge?" Aaron asked, the cop gestured for them to fallow him. they walked to the group of officers that were standing together.

"Captain" the cop said, the older officer looked at him.

"FBI" he said before walking away.

"I didn't call the FBI" he let out as he walked towards Aaron and Celeste.

"Our son is in there" Aaron let out trying to keep calm, the captain gave him a nod.

"We got a call that a lady stormed in the school looking for a student, the building is on lockdown and were sending swat to look for her"

"I'm going in with swat" Celeste let out, Aaron looked at her for a moment.

"it's her Aaron, she's looking for Jack" she let out, Aaron looked at the Captain who was looking at them.

"I don't want to step on your toes, but we need to go in and now. Also there's a marshal in the school" Aaron let out.

"I feel like your guys know what's going on" the captain let out.

"We've been working this case for the past year, the serial killer were trying to catch is playing this game of cat and mouse with my family" Aaron let out, the captain looked at Aaron, then at Celeste.

"Go!" he gestured for them to go in the school, he didn't have to tell Celeste twice she quickly made her way to the door where Swat was standing and waiting.

"Open!" Celeste let out at she got at the top of the stairs.

"Sir are we fallowing you?" the swat leader asked, Aaron nodded as he took his gun out. Celeste took her gun out and walked in.

"Sweep before going to jack" Aaron let out as he looked to Celeste, she gave him a nod.

"be careful" she let out, Aaron returned the nod as they seperated with the men.

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