"********" the doctor whispered. However, upon hearing her words, Sarawat realized there was no way Tine would agree to such a suggestion.

"He definitely wouldn't be comfortable with that!" Sarawat exclaimed.

"At this point, it might be the most viable 'approach' you can take..."

(Hi, The next section is going to be more of a more mature section, I tried to write as much as I could, hope you like it!)

Tine and Sarawat sat up in bed, enjoying the fruits that Sarawat had prepared for them.

"Lee Joon-gi is like a fine wine, he only gets better with each passing day" Tine commented.

Tine noticed the look on Sarawat's face and added playfully, "but not as handsome as my husband" He hugged Sarawat's hand and winked at him.

Sarawat felt the familiar effect of Tine's gaze, but he resisted this time. "What have you bought now?" Sarawat inquired, scrutinizing Tine's expression.

"I haven't bought anything. Why, are you feeling insecure?" Tine's voice cracked with an uncontrollable laugh.

"Since when do you prioritize me over your Korean stars?" Sarawat teased, folding his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tine replied innocently.

"Tine..." Sarawat scolded, a playful glint in his eyes.

"The poster was really cheap this time, I got it at half price" Tine assured Sarawat and rested his chin on Sarawat's shoulder.

"Alright, it's fine," Sarawat relented, leaning back against the bed's headrest. As he relaxed, a memory of the doctor's advice resurfaced.

Flashback - Doctor's Office

"You know, engage in 'it,' but not fully..." the doctor tried again, but her hinting still fell flat.

"Perhaps you should just tell me plainly," Sarawat suggested with a smile.

The doctor leaned in closer to Sarawat and whispered her idea.

"You can use your... fingers..." the doctor whispered.

Back in the present

"Tine... I was thinking that maybe we should try something new?" Sarawat suggested.

"But there's one more episode left in this series. Can't you wait until we finish? I can't believe they killed everyone! If I catch this director, I will..." Tine began to express his frustration, but Sarawat cut him off.

"That's not what I meant," Sarawat interrupted.

"So, you want to try ordering food from a different place?" Tine didn't quite grasp Sarawat's hint.

Sarawat placed his hand behind Tine and pulled him closer, gently laying him on his back while Sarawat positioned himself on top.

"Sarawat...?" Tine was perplexed by Sarawat's actions.

Sarawat leaned in and kissed Tine gently on the lips. "The doctor said we can't..."

"Don't worry, trust me on this..." Sarawat whispered into Tine's ear.

Sarawat carefully lowered Tine's pants and glided his hand down Tine's leg, from his knee to his buttocks. Simultaneously, he continued to kiss Tine, aiming to distract him from his intentions. Sarawat cautiously attempted to use one of his fingers, but Tine swiftly caught hold of Sarawat's hand.

"What are you doing?"

"You are known..."

"Know what?" Tine was confused.

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