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I checked my phone as I got a text from Rosalie.

"We can't be friends, bye." I read out loud. I dropped my phone on the beach. My heart sank in my chest. What did I do? I picked up my phone and went off to find Bella.

"Isabella?" I yelled, trying to find her. She quickly looked towards me and ran my way.

"What Liza?" She grabbed my face with her hands, studying my broken face.

"Can we go home?" I asked, desperately. She nodded quickly and found a ride to get home because we didn't take her truck to the beach.


We got home when I noticed another text from Rosalie. "Live a human life, for me." It said. I will, I swear to live a human life for Rosalie.

I got out of the car and headed up to my room. I laid down on my bed and started to fall asleep. I'll take a short nap, I guess.

Rosalie stood next to me, her hand clasped with mine. We were standing on big open space that had been set up as a baseball field. The rest of her family was there too. Emmett was in front of me, as if he was hiding me. "What's happening?" I asked but everyone seemed to ignore me. I let go of Rosalie's hand but there was still a hand in hers. I walked around Emmett to see three vampires on the other side of the field. When I looked back at Rosalie. I looked to see who's hand she was holding, it was mine? I saw a frozen version of myself. I looked terrified, trying not to cry. I was gripping Rosalie's hand and snuggling into Bella' shoulder next to me.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." A red head caught a ball and smirked.

"I think we can handle that." Jasper smirked. A cold breeze blew across the field.

"You brought snacks?" The leader asked.

"The girls are with us." Next thing I knew chaos was moving around us.

I shot up from my bed. It was dark out now. If my dreams are right, that wouldn't be the last time I saw Rosalie. I decided to tell her. "We'll meet again soon." I sent her.

I got a call and I decided to answer it. "Hi Eliza! This is Alice!" The familiar voice of the pixie came through the phone.

"Hi Alice? How'd you get my number?" I asked.

"I stole Rosalie's phone." I knew she was smiling as she spoke.

"Oh ok. Why are you calling me?" I questioned. I mean, a vampire I barely knew was calling me after her sister says that we can't be friend anymore. This was getting confusing.

"To see if you wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow?" I could hear the begging in her voice so I sighed.

"Sure Alice. What time?" I said.

"2 pm!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, see you then." I said before hanging up.

A shopping day with Alice, who I barely know, and a bunch of people, I'm sure I'll handle it fine though.

I haven't written in awhile so finishing this chapter felt refreshing. Comment, Vote!
Hope you have the best day ever 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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