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I made it back to school, with 5 minutes before it ended.

It gave me some more time to think. The 'cold ones' are just a legend, right? But all the descriptions of them, fit the Cullens. Their cold, strong, and fast. If my dreams are right, they drink blood.

I'll research it after school. I watched everyone walk out into the parking lot while I leaned against the the truck. I caught Rosalie's eye but quickly looked away.

Bella ran over to me. "Hey, you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed some fresh air and away from school." I told her and she nodded.

We both got in the car and finally drove home. I heard Bella say some words about her friend, Jordan, but I didn't listen. I got out of the car when we arrived home. I ran upstairs and threw my computer open. I searched up "the cold ones."

I felt like I spent hours looking and clicking links. Rosalie was a vampire, any minute she could kill me, she could kill anyone. "Bella!" I yelled, shutting my laptop. "I need you to take me to school."

"Why?" She asked.

"I have a project that I need to use the school library for." I half lied. She nodded. We got in the car and I was silent the whole way.

"I'll call you when I need a ride home." I told Bella. She nodded again before driving away. As soon as she was out of sight I wandered into the woods.

"Rosalie Hale, I know you can hear me." I called. I heard they have good hearing, I just hoped it was good enough for her to hear me. Rosalie appeared from out of the woods.

"I know what you are." I whispered.

"What am I?" She questioned.

"A vampire. Your fast, strong, cold, inhumanly beautiful, you could eat us all at any moment." I told her, confident.

"Your right. Except I drink animal blood."She muttered.

"That's why we couldn't be friends, because you didn't want a human in your vampire world, but now I know." I stated. "Does that mean we could be friends?"

"Then you would be more into my world, it's already dangerous that you know." She hissed.

"Rosalie. Go somewhere with the sun, I want to see if my dreams are correct." She side eyed me but then followed what I said. She took my hand and dragged me onto a mountain with the sun shining bright.

She stepped into the light, and started sparkling like diamonds. My dreams were right. I walked forward and started tracing the sparkles on her skin. "You look beautiful in the sun." I told her.

"I don't want to be like this." She pulled her arm away quickly, making me flinch.

"Why is that? It seems pretty cool." I plopped down on the ground as the sun started to set. She sat down next to me.

"I want to be human. I wanted to get married and have children." She explained, "I wanted to grow old with my husband, surrounded by my grandchildren."

"Can you not have children or get married or grow old?" I asked.

"No, I'm stuck this way. I will forever be 18, I will never be able to have children, I will never be able to grow old." She complained.

"What about getting married?" I questioned.

"I could get married but I have to find the one. Vampires have mates, their like soulmates. Their meant to be together." She told me.

"Have you met your mate?" I asked.

"Yes." She muttered. I let my hand grab hers. "It's you."

Eliza knows now, the fangs is out of  the vampire. Get it? Like the cat is out of the bag but, nvm it was a bad joke. But yay! Some fluff. Comment, Vote!
Have an awesome day 💕

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