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I placed the popcorn on the middle of the bed and set the laptop up just a few feet away from it.

I got under the blanket and snuggled into the sheets. "Come on Rose." I said as she was just standing there. She sat down on my bed and leaned against the pillows behind her. I clicked play and the movie had started.


The movie was almost over. Rosalie was sitting criss cross applesauce with my head in her lap. "Hey Lizzie?" She said. I hummed in response. "Do you have anxiety?" Of course, she realized the signs.
"My whole life, anxiety had controlled me. Everyone at school thought I was a freak. This was finally a chance to start a new life." I sighed. "Now you know, and I'll be a freak all over again."

She looked over at me, frowning. "You won't be a freak." She grabbed my hands. "The first time I saw you I knew you were different. You weren't the same as the others. You were better." She brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you Rosie." I smiled up at her.
"Liza! Someone's on the phone! It's for you!" Bella called. I sat up and got out of bed. Who could be calling? I took the phone from Bella, Rosalie close behind me.

"Hey, it's Leah." Oh, I forgot to give her my number and I swear our parents will never understand phones so they still have there land lines and phone books.

"Hi Lee." I twirled the cord with my finger, "Let me give you my phone number." I quickly looked for my phone before Rosalie gave it to me. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her before repeating my number to Leah twice.

I got a text from her before putting my phone down. Rose grabbed it so I wouldn't lose it again.

"How you doing Beth, getting in trouble for skipping yet?" She asked.

"No not yet." I laughed slightly. "You get in trouble for smoking yet?"

"It's not that bad." She sighed.

"Oh then I'll just tell your mom." I teased.

"You wouldn't dare." She said.

"I wouldn't." I shrugged then realized she wouldn't be able to see me.

I heard some talking to the background for a minute. "I gotta go Beth." She said, "Night, see you tomorrow."

"Night Lee, see you tomorrow." I then hung up and looked back at Rosalie. I grabbed her hand and led her back upstairs. I yawned quietly.

"Your tired?" I asked.

"I can't sleep." She told me.

"I should've done more research. Anything else I should know?" I got into bed and she got in too.

"Some vampires have powers, Edward can read minds, except your sisters and you and Charlie's are muffled. Alice can see the future and Jasper can see and change feelings." She explained.

"Can I tell you something crazy?" She nodded. "I think my dreams can tell the future. They predicted you would be a vampire. They also told me that I would get hit by the van, then I woke up and I saw the van rushing towards me. Do you think I'm crazy?"

Yes Eliza has a power already before she could be a vampire, kinda reminds me of Alice, except they only started when she came to forks, strange. Comment, Vote!
Have the best day 💕

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