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I woke up laying down. My head was snuggled into Rosalie's side.

"Sorry." I muttered and removed my head.

"Good morning." She got up and walked out.

"Wait, Rosie. Where are you going?" I frowned.

"To make you breakfast, I'll be right back." She said, I could hear shuffle downstairs. Why do I always have to put be so clingy when I get hurt?

She came back in 5 minutes with pancakes covered in syrup and berries. "Thank you Rosie." I started eating them. "Do you want some?"

"I'm fine I ate before you woke up." I nodded. We started talking for what seemed like hours.


It was the last day before I could walk and go to school again, also stop being with Rosalie constantly. During this week, me and Rose have got close. I also realized, I like her. She has a tough mean shell, but a soft kind inside.

"Rose?" I asked. We were sitting on my bed, talking.l

"What?" She replied. I scooted closer to her. I leaned in slowly and pressed my I'll wrapped her arms around my neck, then she pulled away. Her touch was cold up, freezing. She got up and walked away to stare out the window.

"I-I'm s-s-sor-sorry." I mumbled. She looked back at me quickly. I could already feel the tears coming. She walked over and brushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"Eliza. It wasn't bad. I was just confused." She frowned. She did kiss back before she pulled away. I frowned back, not convinced that was it. "It's just, Edward."

"Well then don't let Edward control you. Follow your heart." I stood up and grabbed her hand. She sighed.

"It's not that easy, look you can stand and I'm sure you can walk. I should get going." She said before walking out. I frowned, what did I do wrong?

She was cold, really cold. She's strong, strong enough to break metal I would guess. She was fast, she made my bed in 5 seconds and made me breakfast in 5 minutes. I wonder if my dream was right, just like the van dream. I laid back down on my bed. I'm overthinking things, maybe a nap will help.

I was in Rosalie's arms, she was freezing. She carried me into a small ring of flowers where the sun shined. Her skin sparkled like diamonds. "Rose." I said, touching her skin.

"I'm a monster." She dropped me and disappeared.

Short chapter today. FIRST KISS!!! Don't worry, Eliza is going to find out soon, very soon. Comment, Vote!
Hope you all have an amazing day 💕

Anxiety-R.HaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ