im glad i met you

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Ziggys POV: We got to the johnsons house after all of that and i couldnt think about something else but what happened with tommy and cindy. *Knock knock* Josh: "hey" Ziggy:"hi" Josh: "cant stop thinking about it" Ziggy: "nope" Josh: "come here" *ziggy lays on josh* Ziggy: "what is happening to us" Josh: "I really have no idea" Deena: "theres dead people trying to kill us still" Ziggy: *sighs* "didnt you bury the hand though" Josh: "yeah but, i guess that didnt work" *Ziggy hears something and stands up* Josh: "where are you going?" *ziggy shows wait with her finger* *she goes to the living room* *peek with her head* *Ziggy whispering* Ziggy: "what the fuck?" *goes into the living room* Ziggy: "Tommy?" Tommy: "Ziggy?" *runs to him and hugs him tightly* Ziggy: "but how are you alive i mean i saw him shoot you" Tommy: "Ziggy Im 50% dead i already was 50% dead when you kinda killed me" *Ziggy hugs tommy* Ziggy: "im so glad youre okay" Tommy: "yeah kid, me too" Ziggy: "dont call me a kid" Tommy: "okay" *kisses her head* Josh: "interupting something?" Ziggy: "hes not my boyfriend" Josh: "haha funny" *not laughing* Ziggy: Come here *Ziggy kisses josh* Tommy: "I was not expecting that" Josh: "yeah, me neither" Tommy: "okay but dont make out here, go to joshs room but dont be like alice" Ziggy: "ew tommy, were 15 and alice was 17 either way so" Tommy: "im just saying" Ziggy: "whatever come on josh" *pulls josh in his bedroom* 

Tommys POV: I left them alone which i am concerned but i trust ziggy and i know she would not  be like alice i was just kidding i went downstairs and went to the kitchen to drink some water cause i was thirsty for water. I heard a noise come from upstairs and i went slowly to check what that was when i heard someone screaming help thats when i started to run. I heard it was going from deenas room and i was hesistant to open the door but then i heard deena screaming in pain so i opened the door and i saw deena on the floor and sam on top of her while trying to attack her. Tommy: "oh fuck!" *he ran to them and got sam off of deena and pinned sam down so she wouldnt move and i looked around the room* Tommy: "Deena the rope!! give it to me please!" *she throws the rope to him* Tommy: "hold her down" *Deena holds sam down and tommy tied sam up with the rope so she couldnt move* *Sam tries to get out of the rope but fails* *deena starts to cry and hugs tommy* Tommy: "hey its okay. its gonna be okay. come on" he takes deenas hand and pulls her away from the room Tommy: "go to josh and ziggy and grab them away" Deena: "but what about you? Ziggy really cares about you, so does Josh" Tommy: "i know just grab them and i will be right behind you and dont worry we will get sam back" *deena nods and goes to joshs room*

Deenas POV: After all that happened i went to joshs room and i knocked agressivly on the door before going in there while panicking. Ziggy: "woah woah woah deena what happened" Deena: "theres a lot what happened but we need to go" Ziggy: "is tommy okay? Is sam okay? are you okay?" Deena: "no time to answer question but we need to go NOW!!" Tommy from deenas room: "Hurry" while being choked. Ziggy: "fuck!" *Grabs a plate from joshs room* Ziggy: "sorry deena but i have to do this" *ziggy runs to deenas room and smashed the plate on sams head* *sam fell off of Tommy* Ziggy: "TOMMY COME HERE NOW!!" *sam stands up, deena comes in the room and knocks her out* Deena: "dont be sorry, come on we have to go!!" 

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