hiding from the killers

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Ziggy: "Here come on!" *ziggy starts to run and everybody starts to follow her to the mall* Deena: "great..the mall we almost got killed" Ziggy: "there was no other choice" 

Josh POV: we arrived to the mall and we went inside, i thought i heard someone scream i looked around but i thought it was probably nothing

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Josh POV: we arrived to the mall and we went inside, i thought i heard someone scream i looked around but i thought it was probably nothing. when we got close to the bookshop heather worked at and we heard glass shatter so we hid quickly as we were hiding someone was running and i saw him... i saw nick goode. *Whispering to ziggy* josh: "Nick goode twelve o"clock" *Nick is going closer to them* *ziggy whispering to josh* Ziggy: "um josh... kate nine o"clock" Josh: "what?" Ziggy: "shhh" *moment of silence* *kate grabs ziggy by hair and ziggy screams* Ziggy: AAHH!! Josh: "ZIGGY!!!!!!" *ziggy tries to break free from her grip* *she breaks free but the bread cutter turns on and kate puts ziggy on the table to kill her* Ziggy: "NO! NO!" *ziggy tries to break through but shes griping her too hard* *josh go behind kate and kills her with a glass* *ziggy escapes from the bread cutter* *Josh grabs ziggys hand and runs to deena* Deena: "where the hell were you two?" Ziggy: "well me, oh i was just casually GETTING KILLED BY KATE!!" Deena: "and you?" Josh: "lets not talk about me. Are you okay deen?" Deena: "yeah im okay" *Heavy breathing* Ziggy: "do you guys hear it?" Josh&Deena: "hear what?" Ziggy: "the heavy breathing" Deena: "Ziggy this isnt funny" Ziggy: "do i look like im kidding?" Josh: "she really doesnt" *ziggy looks carefully not to be seen* *whispering* Ziggy: "Sam?" Deena: "what?" *deena looks and sees kate with a razorblade and sam with an axe* Deena: "oh fuck..." Ziggy: "what? why fuck? what do you see?" Deena: *looks at josh* "Double motherfucking trouble" *josh immediately knows whos there* Ziggy: "both of you stay here" Deena: "what, what are you doing? are you crazy youre gonna get killed!" Ziggy: "trust me"

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