what just happened?

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Simons POV: I heard a loud noise and i decided to check it out. "WAIT!" kate screamed. "Please, be carefull" "I will" *goes out of the room and theres Josh in a ghostface mask *revenge* *but he doesnt know its Josh* "What the-" *Josh kills him* *kate sees it* "WHAT THE FUCK JOSH? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU DO?" Josh in a creepy voice:"you and him made me like this" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?" Josh in a creepy voice:"oh you know Kate, You and SIMON" "THE FUCK I DONT LIKE HIM AND HE DOESNT LIKE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JOSHUA JOHNSON" "oh please kitty.." "Dont call me kitty" *Josh starts walking to her* "why not? You like when simon used to call you that" "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" *Hits him with a fire extinguisher* "ow" *without any emotions* *Kate starts running*

Kates POV: I started to run away and i bumped into Simon but he was.... dead.

Joshs POV: When she started to run the room started to spin and my head started to get dizzy. And then it was black.

Kates POV: I was still running but i think i made a circle because i saw Josh passed out and i panicked. First Sam then deena, after Simon and now Josh? Then i heard her voice and i saw dead sam pinned to the wall by skull mask. I heard her again: "ITS YOU!!!" "ITS YOU!!!!" i did it i killed myself but i wasnt dead and everyone was alive and not possesed.  

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