"How long have you and Jay been together?"

"Oh! Uh- We met back after I was rescued by Kai, I got kidnapped by some skeleton thingy. After some dates, we started dating. But then I believed a machine and thought Cole was my perfect match!"


I yelped, Nya and COLE?! No way never, so glad she chose Jay!

"Yea! But after that, I went back to Jay. We have problems on our way but we still face it together!"


Their relationship is so cute! They seems to been through a lot together.

"We're here!"

That was fast? I got off the motorcycle and waited for Nya to park. Then we went inside the shopping mall. So this is what it looks like? I never been into a mall before.. It looks emptier than I expected.

"Hey! You made it right on time."

A girl with red hair in a ponytail called out, waving her hand at us, beside her is Pixal. I just followed Nya towards her.

"Hi Sky, this is Harumi! You met her before but-"

But I was a villain.. But I changed and I can't just think about the past forever. I shyly smiled.

"Oh right! Harumi right? It's nice to meet you..again!"

"Yes, thank you!"

Skylor giggled and shaked my hand. She looked over to Nya and Pixal.

"What should we do first?"

Skylor asked, I just go with whatever they said, since I have never went to a mall before.

"I suggest us to go shop first, we just finish lunch by Zane."

"Thanks Pix! Great idea, how about you Nya?"

Pixal said, Skylor nodded in agreement. Nya gave us a thumbs up so I guess shopping it is.

"Yea, let's go buy some clothes for Rumi here first! She really needs some."

Rumi? Nya used the nickname..Been a long time since someone use it..

"Okay Harumi, what shop do you want to go first?"


Shops? I never been to one! I always have a tailor design my clothes. I looked around to see any clothing store that I can find.

"I detech that you don't know which shop, Harumi?"

Pixal said. How did she know? Right...she's a nindroid- I just sighed and nodded. Nya and Skylor chucked while Pixal just look at them confused.

"Come on, I'll show you our favorite store. We all shop there, except Pixal- I don't know what store she shops from."

Nya reached her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and then they dragged me to a clothing store. I didn't even get a chance to see the name. Then she finally stops. Woah..These clothes looks stunning.

"Here, let us help you choose!"

Skylor said, looking around excitedly.

"Yes Harumi, we are here to assist you."

Pixal smiled. I'll just choose some simple outfit, I am not that fancy. While the girl were looking around for clothes that fits me, I explore the store myself. Then I saw some shirt that have..the ninja face on it- It was funny so I laughed.

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